

本书由Anne Karpf是一个生动的例子揭示了权力和人的声音,甚至形状人类日常世界的说服力智能导游。在这本书的每一页中,她都为自己的激情提供了有力的证据,背后蕴含着与人类声音有关的有力推理。安妮写这本书是出于对人的重要性和它的辉煌的忽视而忽视了社会的重要性。安妮所使用的语言和语调是易于阅读和表达的方式是采用透明和个人(冰雹,2012)。布局采用的是开放和欢迎,保持兴奋与热情的读者高(VLă杜ţescu,2013)。书中提供的信息是很好的研究和来源,在一个用户友好的方式承认和流量保持不间断端笔记上标的数字。这些最终笔记为读者提供关于思想或理论的信息,书中使用了各种解释。尾注有掘金信息,安妮觉得将覆盖主要的文本放在那里,所以他们也承认一个好的方式的主要文字材料她的来源。

安妮通过语音的使用已经试图把自己变成不是史前咕噜公告和这个她试图影响自己的时代的方式不同的人。通过她的终身试验,安妮采取的声音由婴儿使用语言交流的电话通过合作伙伴。收集的信息由Anne Karpf为这本书是通过一个成熟的、理性的方式。书中提供的信息并不仅仅是从其他各种书籍的集合中传递出来的信息,相反它代表了一个充满思想的思考过程,读者通过这本书与读者联系。读者可以自由地得出结论,迫使读者思考超越极限,甚至未来。


The power and persuasiveness of human voices as described by Anne Karpf:

This book by Anne Karpf is an intelligent guide with lively examples which reveals the power and persuasiveness of human voices which even shapes the everyday world of human beings. In every page of this book, she has provided intense proofs for her passion with effective reasoning behind it which are related to human voices. Anne wrote this book out of the frustration of negligence of importance of human voice and its brilliance which is not effectively recognized in the society. The language and tone used by Anne is easily readable and the styles adopted for expressions are lucid and personal (Hailstone, 2012). The layout used is open and welcoming that keeps the excitement and enthusiasm of readers high (Vlăduţescu, 2013). The information provided in the book is well researched and the sources are acknowledged in a user friendly manner and the flow is kept uninterrupted with end notes and superscripted numbers. These end notes provide the readers with the information regarding idea or theory which is being used in the book for various explanations. The endnotes have nuggets of information which Anne felt would overburden the main text so they were placed there and has also acknowledged her sources of the main text material in a well manner.

Anne through the use of voice has attempted to bring herself into the public notice instead of the prehistoric grunts and with this she tried to influence the human beings in different ways of their own times. Through her lifelong trials, Anne takes the tones of voice used by babies with exchanges of languages over telephone by the inter partners. The information gathered by Anne Karpf for the book was through a matured and reasoned way.  The information provided in the book is not just a transmission of information out of a collection of various other books instead it is a representation of a thoughtful process of a lively mind with which the readers are coming in contact through this book.  The readers are free to draw conclusions and compel the readers to think beyond the limits and even futuristic.
