

正是在这些不断增长的哥特式风格的背景下,公众才看到了铁壳架构。铸铁建筑也被用来创造这样的文化建筑。然而,可以抵御灾难性火灾,因此比其他建筑材料更坚固的铸铁的目的被认为是社会的一个明确的优势。这是蒸汽机械运行的时候。使用木材的现有工厂更容易受到火灾的危害。最初的工厂是用铁壳(这是在宫殿建造之前)建造的。例如,考虑到Strutt的磨坊,它被建造成一个木制的自由框架。然而,这些架构并不担心美学,它们是针对某些具体目的而创建的。这可能更多的力量是追求大规模生产失去个人化的观点。不过也可以说,约翰·派克斯顿的建筑改变了这一点。维多利亚女王维多利亚女王曾经注意到,这种建筑是她想象的更为特别的创作之一。水晶宫因此对人有影响,并不完全是负面的。 Kew的棕榈屋已经用铸铁建造,但这些房子没有水晶宫殿的壮丽。传统的方法或复兴方法将会比Kew花园的建筑长度要长得多五倍,甚至更为庞大。如在研究中所提出的,它比凡尔赛宫更长,也被认为比威斯敏斯特修道院(维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆,2015)高。设计速度也是需要的,因为架构是托管产品,展会将及时开始。非常严格的符合一个非常基本的24英尺模块。这就需要在现场构建一个装配体系。因此,所需的模块因此被导入现场,然后构建(维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆,2015)。这种组合架构的形式似乎增加了施工速度,在复兴架构中是不可能的。


It was in the context of these growing Gothic styles, that the public came to view case iron architecture. Cast iron architecture was also used to create such cultural architecture. However the purpose of cast iron which could withstand disastrous fires and hence were sturdier than other construction materials was seen to be a definitive advantage for the society. This was a time when steam machinery was very much in operation. The existing factories of the times that used timber were more susceptible to the risks of fire. Initially factories were constructed with case iron (this is before the crystal palace construction). As an example consider the Strutt’s Mill, which was constructed as a wooden free framework. However these architecture did not worry about aesthetics, they were created for the certain specific purposes. This perhaps lends more strength to the argument that individualization was lost in the pursuit of mass production. However it can also be argued that John Paxton’s architecture changed that. This architecture was noted by Queen Victoria as being one of the more extraordinary creations that she could imagine. The crystal palace hence had an effect on people, and it was not completely negative. Palm houses in Kew had been constructed with cast iron, but these did not have the magnificence of the crystal palace. Nearly five times longer in length compared to the Kew gardens and even more enormous in construction, a traditional method or a revival method would have taken a much longer completion rate. As presented in research, it is lengthier than the Palace of Versailles and is also seen to be taller than the than Westminster Abbey (Victoria and Albert Museum, 2015). Speed of design was also required as the architecture was to host products and the exhibition was to begin in time. There was very strict conformance to a very basic 24 foot module. This necessitated building the architecture on site like an assembly. For this the modules required were hence imported to the site and then constructed (Victoria and Albert Museum, 2015). This form of an assembly architecture that seemed to add to the speed of construction would not have been possible in revival architecture

