

在监管系统中的几个漏洞是由麦道夫的骗局。几个理由,提供马可波洛斯报告;这对一个人的财务敏锐度适中的水平没有任何意义。一个训练有素的工作人员的调查是由SEC有智力水平要求Markopoulos。不了解现实麦道夫手术了他的投资策略是为什么层太失败了他们初步调查的原因(Lewis 2011)。美国证券交易委员会要求金融专家对调查报告进行调查的任何欺诈活动的调查。这是因为事实上,律师的失败证明他们不是金融专家,是法律专家。
毫无疑问,Bernie Madoff离开了一个巨大的欺诈。多年来,他以牺牲他人为代价,像一种生活。伯尼是唯一一个能回答这么多问题的人,因为他声称他是单独行动的,所以他不能回答这个问题。一些悬而未决的问题是,那些得益于这多年来实际知道的欺诈行为,有多少人真正参与。其他的问题包括如何的导师和终身的朋友谁疯了数百万在这一战略像麦道夫的哥哥。


Several holes in the regulatory system was revealed by Madoff’s scam. Several justifications were made in the report provided by Markopoulos; which for an individual with modest level of financial acumen didn’t make any sense. A highly trained staff of investigators are required by SEC who have same level of intellect as Markopoulos. The failure to understand how unrealistic Madoff’s operation was given his investment strategy was the reason why layers too failed in their initial investigations(Lewis 2011). The SEC requires financial experts on forensic team who would investigate on any fraudulent activity which is reported for investigation. This is because of the fact that the failure of lawyers proved that they were not financial experts and are experts in law.

In accounting area there is a need of greater oversight. Fraudulent activity can be revealed by forensic accounting; however it is impossible to uncover the fraud if the data is never revealed to someone with an impartial interest. There should be a requirement that auditors of the company should be different every three years and regulators must require surprise audits by firms they select instead of the ones selected by the company. This should be done so as to prevent the auditors from being bribed ot becoming involved in the fraud.

No doubt, Bernie Madoff got away with a massive fraud. For many years he lived like a kind at the expense of others. Bernie is the only one who could answer so many questions which may not be answered as he claims that he acted alone. Some of the unanswered questions are that those who profited from this over the years actually knew of the fraud, how many people were actually involved. Other questions include how about the mentors and lifelong friends who mad several millions in this strategy like Madoff’s brother.
