

另一个方面或看法是,包容性促进社会和谐,有助于创造更美好的未来。残疾儿童的教育不仅帮助残疾学生,也帮助其他学生相互理解。这与康德的哲学观点相一致,人性应该包含在个体的理性思维过程中。这最终会使尊严在社会的各个层面得到维护(Fitch, 2009)。从这个过程中,人们的独特性和与生俱来的能力将得到理解和尊重。这将有助于为理解未来打下基础。

亚里士多德暗示,天生的理性思维对于个人成为社会的一部分是必不可少的(Fitch, 2009)。然而,国际社会的结论是,人类是有足够的价值成为社会的一部分。根据这一观点,麦金泰尔认为,在社会主流化和排斥某些社会成员的过程中,将不会得到适当的发展。由于某些成员的特殊需要,不建议将其排除在外(Fitch, 2009)。这将导致一些误解,并在理解人的独特性方面造成人为的障碍。每个人都有一定的天赋和潜力。这种隔离和定义人的过程将导致社会不平衡(Fitch, 2009)。另一方面,如果从发展的角度鼓励这种思想,将有助于更好地理解。这将导致人们互相尊重,通过这种努力,尊严的发展将成为可能(Fitch, 2009)。从根本上说,人们是互相依赖的。这种理解的过程使人类同胞发展自我意识和尊重他人的差异。

国际社会也赞同这种包容的观点。根据联合国的规定,歧视需要特别注意的人被认为是一种罪行。所有人都需要以基本的人类尊严和尊重来对待(霍奇森,2013)。为解决这一问题,联合国召开了关于“1989年儿童权利”和“2006年残疾人权利公约”的会议。这些规定规定了应如何对待残疾儿童。澳大利亚也通过了类似的法律来对待有人类尊严的人(霍奇森2013)。立法的目的是确保人们得到尊严的对待,避免种族隔离。其他人类学家对这种意识形态提出了批评。Kliewer说,仅仅在课堂上遵循包容性而不为学生服务是无法停止种族隔离的。这是一种乌托邦式的信仰。学生仍有可能在社会中被隔离。为了解决这个问题,教育制度必须改变。与此同时,社会中特殊需要儿童教育的集体主义观念也必须转变(Kliewer 1999)。这只会出现在学生的深思熟虑的沉浸。如果学生无法在一个包容的课堂中应对,那么整个系统就会失败。为此,Kliewer的研究结果证明,通过包容性,智障学生只在社交领域表现出进步。其他领域的研究发现,在全纳学校和隔离学校的学术是相同的(桑德勒,1999)。有必要仔细分析局势的细微差别,并根据局势作出实际的选择。


Another dimension or perception is that inclusiveness promotes societal harmony and aids in creations of better future. Education of children with disability not only helps the disabled students, it also helps the students other student’s gain understanding with one another. This is in accordance with Kant philosophical view humanity should be included in the rational thinking process of the individuals. This would eventually that dignity is maintained at all levels in the society (Fitch, 2009). From this process uniqueness and innate ability of the people will be understood and respected. This will help lay the groundwork for an understanding future.
Aristotle alluded that innate rational thinking is imperative for individuals to become part of society (Fitch, 2009). However international community concludes that being human is worthy enough for being part of the society. In accordance with this view, Macintyre suggests that in society process of mainstreaming and excluding certain members of the society will not develop properly. It is not advisable to exclude certain members owing to their special needs (Fitch, 2009). This will lead to a number of misconceptions and create artificial barriers in understanding of uniqueness of the people. Every individual is bestowed with certain innate ability and potential. This process of segregation and defining people will lead to societal imbalance (Fitch, 2009). On the other hand if this ideology is encouraged from the developmental years, better understanding will be facilitated. This will lead to people respecting one another and development of dignity will be made possible by this endeavour (Fitch, 2009). Fundamentally people are dependent on each other for sustenance. This process of understanding makes fellow humans develop self-awareness and respect the differences of others.
International community also agrees with this view of inclusiveness. Discrimination of people who need special attention is considered to be a crime according to the United Nations. All people need to be treated with basic human dignity and respect (Hodgson, 2013). To tackle this issue United Nations convened formulated on the “Rights of the Child 1989” and “Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2006”. These mandates state how children with disabilities should be treated. Similar legislations have been passed in Australia regarding treating of people with human dignity (Hodgson 2013). Notions of legislation are to ensure that people are treated with dignity and segregations are avoided. There is criticism for this ideology by other anthropologist. Kliewer states simply following inclusiveness in classroom and not servicing the students will not stop segregation. This is a utopian belief. There is possibility that the students can still be segregated in the societies. To deal with this issue the education system must be changed. Along with this the collectivistic perception special needs children education in the society must be transformed (Kliewer 1999). This will arise only from thoughtful immersion of students. If the students simply cannot cope in an inclusive classroom then the whole system fails. For this purpose Kliewer research results proved that by inclusiveness, mentally disabled students only showed progress in areas of socialization. Other areas pursuant were academics were found to be the same in inclusive schools and segregated schools (Sandler, 1999). There is a need to carefully analyse the nuances of the situation and make pragmatic choices based on the situation.
