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The research article titled ‘Growing up tethered’ outlines the impact of the increasing virtual socializing on the lives of teenagers and growing up adolscents and on their mental development. The articles highlights the growing lack of ‘time spent with self’ due to technologically induced connectivity and how it builds, transforms and creates distance within relations.

2. How does this article relate to the relevant seminar?
This article cites various instances of network dependency and its effect on relations, emotions and maturity. In doing so the article raises the debate of whether tethered youths tend towards developing into Proteans or narcissists. As highlighted in the seminar, Turkle also believed that online space is transformational as did impact our psychological development. It had followed from there that dependents could develop a protean or naricisisst self.

3. What methods or approach are employed in this article (interviews, focus groups, theory)?
Throughout the article stories of different subjects have been related while explaining the concept. This is commendable for it helps to get a much clearer understaidng of the concept being presented and the incidents show its applicability in everyday life. In other words, this empowers readers to be able to use the knowledge in their daily lives to study human behavior patterns which can be helpful in more than one ways. Equanimity of concepts is established through presentation of happenings from different states of the country wherein each state has their individual distinctions. Yet when the same phenomena is observed everywhere, can it then be termed universal. This article establishes that universality of concepts precisely. As this study can be classified as communication research, the use of group interviews is an appropriate tool (Corner, 1990). Groups of young students have been extensively interviewed to weed out biases and gather conclusive and generally existant insights. Interviews of those related to subjects have provided a holistic dimension of the concept.