




There are many risks for personal health record system. In this Record, it has personal information on the patient, and it is the main risk if the personal information of the patient is mishandled. For further use risk would be implemented and there are many processes. First of all any project the data would be secured any other person do not discuss. For future if this organization will more expand then it will be more profit, growth manpower and also develop the country. In this organization use more software for their work like record data, machine security, etc. This organization would many steps for decision making, and it would improve in many ways. This organization has an implementation strategy to overcome the risk. All the personal data in the organization would secure properly, any other person that data do not hack. If the data is a hack, then all the information will disclose and will face a problem. This organization would more protection and uses new infrastructure that help the organization. This organization expands in global market then the growth will be high , all the information is stored in the network if the network will problem then they do not work, and it also risk and to overcome this type of risk  it would use backup. This organization to overcome the risk they use many strategies for develop the organization. First of all the total information would safe and secure then always help the patient problem. This organization growth global market and it also risk for the organization. All the information is store network for use global market, and it is to create the organization more powerful. If this organization is, expanding then growth market value and growth the organization market it is helping the organization. There is a considerable risk intrigued within the attention towards the global identification and global supremacy. In the present scenario, many organizations are operative in different regions with different prospects and various time zones. There are more integrity observed within the examples of implementation on Information technology examples within the exponential factors in the IT systems.