

专家们已经达成共识,国际游客应该根据商务旅行和个人旅行这两种不同的旅行目的被分成不同的部分。但是第二部分的旅行者又分为两类——一类是为了休闲而旅行的人,另一类是受文化影响而旅行的人。但是,这两个目的经常合并在一起,因为很难正确地确定个人旅行的性质。但是,研究表明,大多数游客在旅行中都试图在文化和娱乐方面保持平衡。约有50%的目的地是由于其丰富的文化遗产和存在的古迹而选择的。许多专家认为是文化的影响驱使游客去旅游目的地。他们试图以美国旅游业为例来证明这一论点。在美国,大多数游客来美国只是为了探索其丰富的传统和文化。另一件重要的事情引起了注意。文化旅游对经济增长的贡献是巨大的,因为一个普通的文化游客在整个逗留期间比其他游客花费更多的钱(Gotham, 2005)。很明显,这些事实对文化旅游的快速增长以及整体经济的增长做出了巨大的贡献。

限制这些服务的国际流动可以帮助确保总福利。随着文化旅游的发展,当地人会根据商品贸易价格的上涨而增加非贸易商品和服务的价格和成本(Sinclair, 1998)。当地服务部门确保这些非贸易商品不以出口价格卖给游客。如果这些服务部门不存在,这种价格增长就不会发生,经济就会停滞不前。此外,如果非本地人控制或拥有当地的非贸易便利设施,那么回流的收入会对经济产生负面影响(Zhou, Yanagida, Chakravorty, & Lung, 1997)。非居民汇回的钱通常比他们在相关服务上花的钱还要多。在这种情况下,总体福利将受到阻碍。如果偶然有一些因素具有国际流动性,那么商品和服务的供给结构就会变得具有弹性和灵活性。价格也会根据需求和可用性进行调整。这些服务的租金和费用被国际流动的指导因素所耗散。经济和社会福利的增长取决于商品和服务价格的上涨。但这一因素不允许当地人这样做。它不会对经济造成任何负面影响,但肯定不会对经济和总福利做出贡献(Lanza & Pigliaru, 1994)。税收因素在分析文化旅游及其经济影响方面也具有十分重要的意义。当货物出口时,由有关当局规定一个标准税率。如果对商品征税,会产生巨大的影响。如果税收过高,那么旅游吸引力和旅游需求可能会下降。这将对经济产生负面影响。但是,如果税收合理,不太高,那么就不会影响旅游流量。反过来,它将通过增加税收收入,对整体经济和总体福利产生积极影响。


Experts have arrived at the point of understanding that the international tourists should be disaggregated into different sections depending on two different purposes of travel — business travel and personal travel. But travelers from the second section are differentiated into two more parts — people who travel for leisure purposes, and people who travel being motivated by cultural influences. But, often these two purposes get merged as it is very difficult to properly determine the nature of one’s personal travel. But, studies have revealed that most of the tourists try to maintain a balance between cultural and recreational aspects during their travel. About 50% of the destinations are chosen due to their rich cultural heritage and presence of heritage sites. Many experts are of the opinion that it is the cultural influence that drives the tourists to visit the destinations. They have tried to establish this argument by citing the example of the tourism industry in America where most of the tourists visit America only to explore its rich tradition and culture. Another significant thing has come into notice. The cultural tourism immensely contributes to the economic growth because an average cultural tourist spends more money than other tourists during the whole period of stay (Gotham, 2005). It is pretty clear that these facts contribute hugely to the rapid growth of cultural tourism as well as the overall economic growth.
The restriction on the international mobility of the services can help to ensure aggregate welfare. The growth of cultural tourism influences the locals to increase the price and costs of the non-tradable goods and services in accordance with the hike in the pricing of tradable goods (Sinclair, 1998). The local service sectors make sure that the un-priced non-tradable goods are not sold to the tourists at the same price on which they are exported. If these service sectors do not exist, this growth of price would not take place and the economy will be static. Moreover, if the non-tradable local amenities are controlled or owned by non-locals, then the repatriated income creates a negative effect on the economy (Zhou, Yanagida, Chakravorty, & Lung, 1997). The non-residents usually repatriate more money from the income than the amount of money they spend on the related services. In this case, the aggregate welfare will get hampered. If by chance, there are some factors that are internationally mobile, then the supply structure of the goods and services become elastic and flexible. The pricing is also adjusted according to the demand and the availability. The rents and costs of the services are dissipated by the guiding factor of international mobility. The growth in the economy and the aggregate welfare depends on the increased price of the goods and services. But this factor does not allow the locals to do so. It does not create any negative impact on the economy, but it surely does not contribute to the economic and aggregate welfare (Lanza & Pigliaru, 1994). The factor of taxation is also very significant in the analysis of cultural tourism and its economic impact. When goods are exported, a standard rate of taxation is placed by the proper authorities. If the tax is placed on the goods, it can create a huge effect. If the tax is too high, then the tourist attraction and the tourist demand will possibly decrease. This will result in a negative effect on the economy. But, if the tax is reasonable and not too high, then it will not affect the tourism flow. It will, in turn, create a positive impact on the overall economy and aggregate welfare by increasing tax revenues.
