澳洲代写 12-11




  • He should place money in term deposit every year rather than putting in $ 5000 once in order to enjoy the advantages of compounding interest which would allow his term deposit to increase gradually.
  • The couple also owns a share portfolio which has negligible capital gain. They should analyze the return that they are getting from that portfolio in the form of dividends and if the return is not sufficient for them then they should consider selling the portfolio. If the return from the portfolio is not substantial and the chance of gain from the sale of portfolio are low then they should still consider selling as if the price of the portfolio falls then they might end up making a loss and besides that if the return is not substantial and there is no gain then the couple have locked up their cash for no real benefit.


  • The monthly expense of the day care for the children is $ 2470 per month and the income generated by her being a receptionist is $ 2404 per month. She should consider leaving her job and looking after the kids herself as the day care expense for the children exceed the income that is being generated by her and besides that no one can take care of the children like a mother can. This would be better for the family financially and even socially.




