澳洲代写assignment 人种学研究



Ethnographic research:

This is the study of the facts as they occur in the context, historical and educational processes, cultural changes, the functions and roles of members of a community. It is characterized by the use of observation, whether participating or not. In any of these options involves recording observations, as far as possible, what happens in the place being studied, using tools to complete the information obtained by the observation that one can speak in many areas.


Analysing Qualitative Data:



All these steps are required in a research. It might be any type of research but all these steps should be included in the research. The literature review should be strong enough to carry the aim of the research. The literatures should be selected quite wisely and they should not be old. It is better to reviews literatures that are of maximum 5 to 6 years old. The methodology and data analysis part must be good enough as these parts are quite important in any research. The sampling techniques must be chosen nicely and appropriately. It is better to gather data from as many samples as possible to make the research more effective. The conclusion should summarize the main points of the research and it should not introduce any new point.





