澳洲代写assignment 文化差异


It is believed that Cultural differences are indeed a major factor that has an impact on success or failure of Brand. As brands enter different cultures they should not only retain their inherent brand identity, prime reason of their acceptance in the market, but also adopt the different brand elements such as images, advertising channels etc. so as to appeal to the local tastes and preferences of the customers. Branding has social implications as well as economic implications. Economically Brands have been an area of study from both marketing and financial perspectives. Without any doubt it can be said that most visible and prominent element of marketing is advertising however it is also equally correct to state that Branding is at the core of any marketing plan or communication. In fact most of the problems related to advertising have their roots in Branding strategy.  Sometimes branding is commonly mistaken as giving product a name, however the truth is Branding is much more than giving a name to the product. Branding at higher level is about establishing and managing the relationships with distributers and customers. It is about keeping the good relationship within organization with employees also. YUM Brand is an established brand that helps organization in maintaining a healthy relationship with various stakeholders and general public also.


