

本篇澳洲代写被发现-归因理论和可能性理论讲了归因理论和阐述可能性理论在公共交往实践中属于社会心理学理论的更广泛范畴。这些理论对个人如何在公共生活中改善沟通提供了重要的理解。作为一个沟通者,个人在他们的社交圈中占有中心地位。他们如何沟通,是什么让他们能够沟通,以及其他人如何看待沟通背后的潜在行为等等,这些都只是评估个人的一些方式。在这个社会心理学的传统中,认知和信息处理的理解是高度领先的,因为这个理论显示了一个人的心理过程是如何为他们的社交圈做准备的。本研究探讨了归因理论和阐述可能性理论在公共传播实践中所具有的关联性。本篇澳洲代写被发现文章由澳洲第一论文 Assignment First辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Attribution theory and Elaboration Likelihood Theory fall under the broader category of socio-psychological theories in public communication practice. The theories offer significant understanding of how an individual can improve their communication in public life. As a communicator, the individual occupies a central role in their social circles. How they communicate, what enables them to communicate and how others view the underlying behavior behind communication etc. are just some ways in which the individual will be evaluated. In this socio-psychological tradition, the understanding of cognition and information processing is highly leading as the theory shows how an individual’s mental processes prepare them for their social circles. This work discusses the attribution theory and the elaboration likelihood theory in the context of the relevance they hold in informing public communication practices.

Attribution Theory

Attribution theory helps understand why people behave in a certain way inclusive of self. Attribution can take many numbers of forms. People may attribute some actions to a situational cause. For example, some might attribute to a situation like if it was raining. Attributions can depend on a personal effect. It can be an effort or desire or sometimes even a sentiment. The individual will attribute what they spoke to a situation. They could point out a person and say that the person influenced them to do it. They can state an obligation saying they said something because they felt obligated to do so. Individual can even say some things because they felt they wanted to fit in, or under peer pressure. According to attribution theory, the individual will not always be conscious and logical in what they say. Attribution theory hence is a reasoning attempt indulged in by an individual to explain something. People’s tendency to explain cause by means of individual disposition or the situation plays a central role in attribute theory. Attribution theory is very important in informing public communication practices, not only because of the reasoning it offers towards understanding behavior. It also points out significant errors of personal communication (Littlejohn and Foss, 2011).

These errors are called as fundamental attribution errors. The fundamental attribution error is based on the situation and is also based on whether people considering themselves or another in context. In the context of a positive outcome, an individual will end up attributing the positive outcome to their own personal qualities. The implication is that personal attributes pushed them to choose something. On the other hand, when a positive outcome is observed with respect to another, then the individual will attribute such an outcome as having happened because of the situation or circumstance. An erroneous self-affirmation is hence created (Steele, 1988). In the case of a negative outcome, the individual will not attribute the negative outcome to their own personal qualities. Instead, the individual will attribute such outcome to a situation or circumstance that made them act in a certain way. In the context of considering another, the individual will end up attributing the negative outcome to their personal qualities (Littlejohn and Foss, 2011). The individual will not make any leeway to understand the failure outcome in the case of another as arising from some negative situation and circumstance.
