


在发展中国家,通过操纵法律和立法,生产被当作商业秘密。供应商处理废水的要求必须清楚地显示出来,以显示它对经济造成的影响。有必要维护安全规则。这些因素与进口的化学物质有关。一些知名品牌,如迪斯尼也已在朦胧生产的服装生产。这些形式的方法导致癌症和其他有害健康状况的形成。有一个供应链过程仍然是一个秘密,导致企业关注效率,而忽略了其他涉及的因素(Ren, Chan & Ram, 2016)。这些过程更注重于省钱,而忽视了工人和消费者的健康。还有很多染料被浪费了。这些对环境造成有害的有毒影响。许多工艺可以系统地进行以减少废水的浪费。在此过程中产生的不可生物降解的废物导致了发展中国家清洁饮用水的供应问题。棉花生产使用一些毒性最强的农业化合物。这些农药占世界农药中毒总量的16%。由于生产这些织物,人们遭受了不必要的疾病和条件。对于化学品的洗涤,磷酸盐含量应少于5%。然而,在实现过程中并非如此。有很多磷酸盐浓度用于清洗化合物和织物(Ren, Chan & Ram, 2016)。主要的问题是这些因素都没有被制造商揭露出来。他们对这些影响视而不见,保持模糊。这个过程没有透明度和问责制。与西方国家相比,中国的立法不那么严格。发展中国家往往忽视这一过程。这些导致的问题比解决方案更多。


Lack of transparency in the production method

The actual impact of the environment is not known by the fast fashion industry owing to the obscurity they maintain about their operational procedures. This is found to be especially true in the emerging economies. People for the need of money indulge in unscrupulous activities.


In the developing nations, the production is kept as a trade secret by manipulating the laws and the legislations. The supplier requirements of handling the effluents need to be clearly shown to show the ramifications it causes on the economy. There is the need to maintain the safety regulations. These are factored with the chemicals that are imported. Some of the well-known brand such as Disney have also embarked in an obscured produces of production of the clothes. These forms of methods lead to the formation of cancer and other detrimental health conditions. There is the supply chain process that remains to be a secret causing the companies to focus on efficiency and overlooking the other factors involved (Ren, Chan & Ram, 2016). These processes are more focused on saving money and the health of the workers and the consumers are overlooked in this process. There is also a lot of dyes wasted. These cause harmful toxic impact on the environment. Many of the processes can be systematically done to reduce the effluent wastage. The non-biodegradable waste generated in this process leads to the issues of clean drinking water supply for the developing nations. Cotton production uses some of the most toxic agro compounds. These account for the 16% of the pesticide poisoning in the world. The people are subjected to unwanted diseases and conditions owing to the production of these fabrics. For the washing of the chemicals, there should be less than 5% of the phosphate compounds. This is however not the case during implementation. There are a lot of phosphate concentration that is used for the cleaning of the compounds and fabrics (Ren, Chan & Ram, 2016). The main issues are that none of these factors are brought to light by the manufacturers. They turn a blind eye towards these impacts by maintaining obscurity. There is no transparency and accountability of the process. The national legislation are not as strict when compared to the western nations. The developing nations tend to overlook the processes. These lead to more issues than solutions.

