
China is one of the largest and fastest-growing telecommunications markets in the world. In the past decade, the average annual growth rate of the telecommunications sector exceeded several times the growth of China’s gross domestic product (GDP) (Keane 2006, p. 287). Taken in recent years, China has a series of measures to reform the telecommunications sector with the aim to introduce growth, innovation and competition in the marketplace. Two main global trends have to be underlined if the telecommunications sector is analyzed. Firstly, the telecommunications industry is one of the world’s fastest growing industries, no matter which indicator is regarded. The sector has a dual function, it is both, in important infrastructure for the overall economy and it is a very vital business on its own. Secondly, technological developments, in particular the process of digitalization, led to the convergence of the different types of media (Story 2004, p. 62). Due to this convergence, the sector is often referred to as “information industry “or as” information and communications technology “.



中国是世界上最大和增长最快的电信市场。在过去的十年里,电信部门的平均年增长率超过了中国的国内生产总值(GDP)增长几倍(基恩,2006,p. 287)。近年来,中国采取了一系列与目的介绍电信业增长的改革措施,在市场上的竞争和创新。两个主要的国际趋势是强调如果电信部门的分析。首先,电信业是世界上增长最快的产业,无论哪个指标是。该行业具有双重功能,它是重要的基础设施,在整个经济的,它本身就是一个很重要的生意。其次,科技的发展,特别是数字化的过程中,导致不同的媒体融合(故事2004,p. 62)。由于这种趋同,这个部门通常被称为“信息产业”或“信息和通信技术”。
