澳洲代写essay 品牌是最宝贵的资产



Brands have been into existence for number of years, however the power or branding that current society is witnessing is simply remarkable. (MacDonald, 2000) The Brands can be felt in every aspect of life, be it food and clothing, or living and amusement or from music to politics. Branding today is not only about adding values to the product but also about added benefits to the customers. In short term branding represents and promotes culture and in long term Brands themselves become a kind of culture. A brand may have a different role to play and it may offer different values depending upon the role it is playing, the value it is providing and most importantly to whom it is related. From organization and management prospective brand may be an instrument of differentiation between products from different organizations, however for brand owners it may be more than that. To customers Brand might offer a bundle of benefits and customers might also feel an emotional bond associated with brand. This emotional bond many times convert brand into icon.

It is equally important to preserve the Brand once it is established. Brand in any case should not be the scapegoat of corporate misbehavior. It is obvious that Brand is the most valuable asset for the organization and the overlooked fact is that it is also the most vulnerable asset as well. With Brand reputation is build upon slowly and gradually and this reputation can be dwindle down by a small mistake and the reputation can be destroyed overnight. Every brand also carries and image associated to it. Brand could have single image or multiple images associated to its name. At last it can be said the Brand is not only a name. Lot of things are associated to brand. In food industry especially in organized sector competition has increased manifold in branded items. There is the need to carefully brand and position the products, which has been done skillfully by YUM brands with all of its three restaurants chain, Pizza Hut, Kentucky Fried Chicken and Taco Bell.


