


对经济影响的预测, 在世界上的污染大户将不得不支付超过一个特定的限制碳排放税。如果征收税,超过部分产品的价格可能有变化。经济学家估计的家庭,每周推行这项计划后,美元9.90的平均价格。对家庭开支的影响,给碳定价模型有两种措施的一部分的包软化这些价格上涨的影响,已推出。首先,免税门槛将是增加了两倍多,从6,000元至18200美元,免除100万的人需要缴纳所得税或文件纳税申报表。收入少于$80,000每年也将获得减税,这对于大多数等于约300美元左右。其次,慷慨的援助,也可以提供家庭福利金。养老金领取者和自筹经费的退休人员,以及家庭支付受助人及其他津贴受助人会看到他们的款项增加。 (罗伯特联赛,2006年)

澳洲代写essay之Economic Impacts

The big polluters in the world will have to pay the tax for emitting the carbon more than a particular limit. If the tax is imposed than there might be a change in prices for some of the products. Economist estimated the average price for the family that is USD 9.90 more per week after introducing this plan. Treasure modelling on the impact of pricing carbon on household expenses

There are two measures that have been introduced as part of the package to soften the impact of these price rises. Firstly, the tax-free threshold will be more than tripled from $6,000 to $18,200, exempting 1 million people from the need to pay income tax or file a tax return. People earning less than $80,000 per year will also receive a tax cut, which for most will equal approximately $300 per year. Secondly, generous assistance will also be provided to households through welfare payments. Pensioners and self-funded retirees, as well as family payment recipients and other allowance recipients will see their payments increase. (Robert Carling,2006)