


he employee turnover rate is much higher in entry-level position than the higher management positions. The hotel organizations usually focus more on restricting budget for these positions and it results to the recruitment of incompetent and low-skilled candidates (Qiu et al., 2015). Studies have further noted that high wages as an effective way of employee retention and the hospitality industry have been lethargic in granting higher wages or increments to the entry-level positions.
Imbalance between Work and Life
The professional life in the hospitality industry is counted as poor work-life balance (WLB). Instances of changing industry among the hotel employees are common. That definitely makes the graph of employee retention unstable (Tews et al., 2013). The intense imbalance in work and life even creates psychological hazards for the employees because of what they, after a certain point of time, decide to quit. In spite of knowing this poor ratio of work and life, the organizational authority remains indifferent to this issue. The industry never took any initiative to make the work schedule of hotel employees more flexible and overall employee satisfaction.
Physical and Mental Hazards
This cause is an extended part of the previous point of poor WLB. As the working hours of the hotel employees are hectic, they have to manage a lot of work pressure. The employees eventually seem to develop several physical and mental hazards (Kim, 2014). Those hazards further intensify the unprofessional attitude of the employees. The health of hotel employees is recorded to be deteriorated after being employed in the hospitality industry in some studies (Qiu et al., 2015). The poor health results poor mental health as well.
Poor Job Satisfaction
The entry-level employees are often treated poorly by the hospitality organizations. The hotels keep changing their business strategies and marketing tactics to attract a number of visitors and guests. Those changes never seem to comply with the capacity and flexibility of the employees (Qiu et al., 2015). The organization keeps imposing several responsibilities and increasing the work pressure without taking the point of job satisfaction of the employees into consideration.

The hospitality industry provides good internship programs for fresher candidates before they apply for a full-time job. As a solution of employee turnover, the industry has chosen to utilize interns to manage the gaps in the service. This has given rise to a lot of controversial questions such as the validity of this solution in long run. The World Travel and Tourism Council have acknowledged hospitality industry to be the major contributor to the global economy (Vasquez, 2014). Interns are very enthusiastic about the new professional responsibility. On the other hand, the hotel organizations give many duties and responsibilities to those interns that enthusiastically perform themselves to establish a potential career prospect. On the basis of the discussion so far, the research question will be developed to reach a conclusion on this issue.
