





I am a student aspiring to join the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at your University. At present, I am situated in the United States and I want to further my studies here. I have around to years of study experience in the United States and most of my study experience is from theoretical knowledge derived from working on Industrial engineering contemporary trends and theories. My inspiration to pursue education in this context derives from wanting to understand how Industrial engineering trends are supported on a global scale. I attended the 2014 China Beijing International Hi-tech EXPO and in this Expo I was inspired by the more current trends in industrial engineering, such as from how Wi-Fi thermostats connect across with smart phones to enable better supply chain support. While this form of inventions is usually presented in a much more specific and personal focus, I am able to connect it with a deeper industrial focus. And this I believe is a strength that I derive from my schooling years.

My interest in industrial engineering’s starts from my school years. In my country, the focus is on toys for children that better their understanding of application in the real world. These range from practical chemistry kits, to the more advanced circuit designer products. The use of these products have benefitted me in acquiring a more application oriented perspective when it comes to anything. I believe my interest in industrial engineering begins from the same perspective. I look at things with a more application oriented interest. I like to understand how things work in the background, how engineering and science is more than a concept and how it could transform into something different in the core production and assembly of major organizations. While young, I have attempts to look beyond conceptual level understanding of what engineering is, what supply side meant and how each of these elements and their efficiency contribute to the overall picture. My pursuit of higher studies in industrial engineering will enable my mind to get more trained in this angle.