

战争的第一个限制是,必须有一个“主权的权威,由其指挥发动战争”。因为他可以从他的上级的法庭上寻求他的权利,因为这不是一个个人的事,因为他可以从他的上级的法庭上寻求他的权利。根据他的说法,召集人民和宣布战争不是个人的义务。为人民和国家的共同利益而工作的当局的责任。圣托马斯·阿奎那说,当局有权惩罚那些在国内引起内部骚乱的人。他们惩罚作恶的人;同样,他们也有责任保护自己免受外部干扰或敌人的攻击。根据正义战争的概念,捍卫共同财富是正当的(拉姆齐,2002,第143章)。战争背后的正义事业是保卫敌人或惩罚侵略者。惩罚可以被认为是教育和改革侵略者的正当行为(Finnis, 1998,第285页)。国家、政府或王子被认为是决定战争的高级权威。他们有责任把无辜和贫穷的人从恶人中拯救出来。权威与地位和权力有关。一般人尊敬他们,因为他们有责任保护他人(Tooke, 1965,第178页)。



The first limitation for the war is that there must be a “the authority of the sovereign by whose command the war is to be waged. For it is not the business of a private individual to declare war, because he can seek for redress of his rights from the tribunal of his superior” (Aquinas, 2017, p. 215). According to him, it is not the duty of the private individual to call together the people and declare a war. It is the duty of the authority, who works for the common good of the people and their country. St. Thomas Aquinas stated that the authority has the right to punish those who cause internal disturbance in the country. They punish the evil doers; in same way, it is their duty to defend themselves against external disturbance or enemies as well. As per the concept of just war, it is justified to defend the common wealth (Ramsey, 2002, p. 143). The just cause behind the war is to defend against the enemies or to punish the aggressors. Punishment can be considered as the justified act of educating and reforming the aggressors (Finnis, 1998, p. 285). State, government or prince is considered as the senior authority to take the decision of war. It is their duty to save the innocent and poor from the evil doers. The authority is bound with the status and power. Common people honour them as they are liable to protect others (Tooke, 1965, p. 178).

The second limitation for the just war is that the reason behind war should be just. Those who have attacked must be replied with an equal attack. They deserve attack on the account of evil they have done. The just cause results in no guilt in the warriors. Just cause also informs the society that sometime it become necessary to wage war in order to achieve and to maintain justice. The authoritative power has the moral responsibility of demonstrating the just cause behind the war. The third limitation is to have the right intention behind the war. The right intention is to restore peace and harmony. St. Thomas Aquinas stated that peace after the war must be higher than the peace before the use of force. Then only the reason of the war could be justified. The rightful intentions can only result in advancement of good and avoidance of evil (Aquinas, 2015, p. 245).
