澳洲代写论文 品牌宣传活动



1- Descriptions
Lastly, the company must go for the descriptions of their brand and competitor’s brands to evaluate what distinctive features do the respondents recall and remember.
Some other metrics to measure how effective the brand awareness campaign has been, companies often use:
a) Impressions:
Impressions represent the number of times that the ad has been viewed. They are important to keep track of as it shows how many people have laid their eyes on the ad. However, this number does not depict the number of people who have purchased the brand but it helps in making people aware of your brand and making them remember your slogan and logo. Cost per thousand impressions is often calculated by companies to measure the cost of campaign.
b) Customer Engagement:
Customer engagement can also be checked to measure the effectiveness of brand awareness campaign. The measure used is the Click-through rate (CTR), which is the number of times an ad is clicked. This is especially useful for online websites. This click through rate is often lower on display networks as compared to search networks and a good click through rate must be 1% or higher on search networks.
c) Conversions:
Other measurements like conversion can also be used for display network ads as it helps the company see whether the ads are making the target market behave in the desired behaviour, i.e. via increased sales or more sign ups etc.
d) Reach and Frequency:
Another measure to check the increase in brand awareness is the reach and frequency. Reach is the number of visitors or audience who have been exposed to the ad and were targeted to see the ad. An increased reach means that more potential customers have seen the ad thus leading to an increased brand awareness. Frequency is calculated over a period of time for the mean number of times an audience or visitor of the website was exposed to the ad.











