

凯恩斯的总支出概念与总投资的概念类似。总支出是衡量国民收入的指标。总支出定义为经济中服务和制成品的当前价值。总开支中有四项主要因素是家庭消费、计划投资、政府支出和净出口,如凯恩斯(2016,p. 65)。因此,可以说,总投资是计算一个国家所有与经济有关的活动总和的关键方法之一。这也被称为国内生产总值。然而,一个国家的国内生产总值不能反映一个国家的全部经济状况,因为一些因素。

投资、消费、政府支出和净出口的总和界定了总需求。这些因素来自总需求的组成部分。总需求是指一个经济体在一段时间内对商品总量的需求。因此,总需求是由经济中给定价格水平的总支出或投资控制的。因此,可以很容易地理解,总投资或在今天的术语中,总投资控制了一个国家凯恩斯(2016,p. 63)的所有经济行动。总投资本身是一个变量,因为它是在给定的时间和消费者的习惯上衡量的。可以说,总投资是经济中最强大的变量。


Keyney’s concept of aggregate expenditure is similar to aggregate investment in terms of today’s concept. The aggregate expenditure is the measure of national income. Aggregate expenditure is defined as the current value of the services and finished goods in the economy. There are four major factors in aggregate expenditure which are household consumption, planned investment, government spending and net exports, as opined by Keynes (2016, p. 65). Therefore, it can be said that aggregate investment is one of the key methods for calculating the sum total of all activities related to economy in a country. This is also known as the gross domestic product of the country. However, gross domestic product of a country cannot reflect the full economic condition of a country because of some factors.

The sum of investment, consumption, government expenses and net exports define aggregate demand. These factors are derived from the components of aggregate demand. Aggregate demand is defined by the demand of the sum total of goods in an economy over a period of time. Thus, aggregate demand is controlled by the aggregate expenditure or investment for a given price level in an economy. Therefore, it can be easily understood that aggregate expenditure or in today’s term, aggregate investment controls all the economic actions in a country Keynes (2016, p. 63). Aggregate investment itself is a variable because it is measured over a given time and over the habit of the consumer. Thus, it can be said that aggregate investment is the most powerful variable in an economy.


