澳洲代写 N.史葛Momaday



N. Scott Momaday – the third participant argued that the importance of economic success to perceptions of the good life was augmented by the economic boom of the 1920s. The rise of the consumer culture broadened the definition of the American dream to include not only property but various material items as well. Possession of automobiles, radios, and other goods became sign of wealth. The extensive utilization of promotion reinforced the public’s wish for such novel goods, whereas the accessibility of credit made possession more realistic and easier to achieve with limited family finances. Chain stores such as J. C. Penney and Woolworth’s offered consumers the same products on a national basis. As Americans bought the same merchandise, saw the same advertisements, and listened to the same radio programs or saw the same movies, regional differences began to fade and there arose conformity in fashion and lifestyle. This growing uniformity was brilliantly criticized by Sinclair Lewis in his 1922 novel, Babbitt. Lewis presented a satirical look at the fictional George Babbitt, who personified the materialism, closed-mindedness, and devotion to passing fads that marked the era.


N.史葛Momaday–第三的参与者认为,由于20世纪20年代的经济繁荣的经济成功的美好生活的看法是非常重要的。对消费文化的兴起拓宽了美国梦的定义不仅包括财产但各种物品以及。拥有汽车,收音机,和其他商品成为财富的象征。促进广泛利用增强公众的希望这些新的商品,而信用的普及使占有更现实和更容易实现与有限的家庭财政状况。连锁店如J.C. Penney和伍尔沃斯的消费者提供相同的产品在一个国家的基础上。美国人买同样的商品,看到相同的广告,并听取了相同的广播,看同样的电影,区域差异开始褪色,出现在时尚和生活方式的整合。这种不断增长的均匀性出色地批评辛克莱刘易斯在他的1922部小说,巴比特。刘易斯在虚构的乔治巴比特讽刺看,谁的拟人化的唯物主义的,封闭的思想,并对合格标志着时代的潮流。