澳洲代写 日本人口出生率下降



The impact of decline in birth rate on social security in Japan
On the social security systems of Japan low fertility has a wide influence. Presently the reforms of social security are discussed. In Japan these reforms are important due to less fertility.
It is quite an extraordinary event in Japan that the long term care provision has been altered from rationing and welfare services to requirements based benefits of insurance. For the elderly long-term care is similar not only to the elderly individual dignity but also the society’s shape. As long-term care costs are related more closely to the population aging than the elderly healthcare costs, reducing and preventing the long term care incidence of the requirement of long-term care as much as possible will prove impossible.

Labor policies due to birth rate decline
The labor shortage will remain a major concern even if the optimistic views representations are true. An imbalance between labor demand and labor supply referred to as mismatching of labor market will most likely exist in the future. For example, imbalanced labor demand and supply among 1st, 2nd and 3rd industries affects the labor market negatively for new entrants.





