

本篇澳洲代写-日本武士道精神讲了武士被认为是日本文化的根源之一。虽然武士现在已经不存在了,但是这个词仍然在日本文化中被使用,甚至在今天仍然享有很高的荣誉。第一个武士可以找到历史的外表但是在日本公元646年左右的历史,那时候,战士的标题没有提到作为一个高贵的军事力量,但另一方面,这一项是用于识别人的军事排名最低。本篇澳洲代写文章由澳洲第一论文 Assignment First辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The samurai warriors are considered as among the roots of the Japanese culture. Although the samurai are not present today, still this term is used in the Japanese culture even today with great honour. The first historical account of their appearance of samurai can be found in the history of Japan around 646 A.D. However, at that time, the warrior title was not mentioned as a very noble military power but on the other hand, this term was used for identifying the persons who were in the lowest ranks of the military. The men in these ranks had the responsibility for dealing with day-to-day matters and they were also considered the public servants of military. However, several years later, the Emperor of Japan disbanded his army after he failed in the invasion of northern Honshu and the taxes started to increase. As a result, a large number of farmers had to lose their lands. Consequently, there was an uprising of the clans who decided to protect their lands from the magistrates who were reigning over them at that time. With time, these clans joined each other through treaties and marriage and slowly they became quite strong.

These warriors started to wear traditional Japanese armour and weapons. It was during the mid-Heian era that they drafted their ethical code that was named Bushido. These warriors from the high class started to emphasize on their duty towards their master and also on loyalty until death so they can achieve honour for themselves and their families.

It was in the 12th century that the samurai became highly educated and in this way, they became much more powerful. The samurai also started to get more noble aspirations and became very skilled in fighting as well as writing. While at the beginning, the Emperor and other nobility hired these warriors but eventually, the number of these warriors became so great and their political connections resulted in the samurai government. However, at the same time, due to their size and power, there were several battles between different clans. During this time, Taira no Kiyomori was the first warrior who became the Imperial advisor and eventually got the control of the samurai government. In 1180, there was a clash between Taira clan with the Minamoto clan who eventually replaced them. In 1185, Minamoto no Yoritomo succeeded in overthrowing the aristocracy and in this way, the samurai were established as the superior class. Eventually, the samurai became the warrior nobility and they also succeeded in reigning supreme during the reign of various emperors.

During the 13th century, different samurai clans were bargaining with each other and they also dealt with Mongol attacks although they were hugely outnumbered and 10,000 men had to fight 40,000. Similarly, in the 14th century, Goro Nyudo Masamune, a blacksmith succeeded in developing a sword that was made of soft as well as hard steel which significantly improved the overall power and endurance of the sword. This became the main weapon of the samurai and it was named katana by them.
