澳洲代写 品牌发展



 Brand Development


The success of all branding strategies rests on the ability to effectively segment the market, identify the target market segments and accordingly position the brand to suit the requirements of the target market (Lane & Sutcliffe, 2006). The process of building as well as managing an iconic brand is not a one time process, but it is an ongoing process which calls for substantial planning and investment of efforts. The target market can be segmented on various dimensions and here, the market has been segmented on the twin dimensions of the attributes taste and nutritive and health benefits.



所有品牌策略的成功取决于有效的细分市场的能力,确定目标细分市场和相应位置的品牌以适应目标市场的要求(Lane & Sutcliffe,2006)。建立的过程中,以及作为一个标志性的品牌管理是不是一一的时间过程,但它是一个持续的过程,需要大量的规划和投资的努力。目标市场可以划分不同的尺寸和在这里,得到了市场的分割对属性的口味和营养和健康的好处的双重维度。