

本篇澳洲essay代写-残疾人士的管理讲了员工的工作态度和工作动机的管理可以为组织中适当环境的发展提供依据。当残疾人不被视为对本组织业务的责任时,对这些残疾人的合作接受感就会增强。有必要改变管理体制的态度。此外,当组织中工作人员的态度发生变化,并将残疾人视为资产时,这些人将获得正确的培训和发展机会。本篇澳洲essay代写文章由澳洲第一论文 Assignment First辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Managing job attitudes and motivation to manage challenges

The management of the job attitudes and motivation among the employees can be handled for the development of proper environment in the organization. When people with disabilities are not seen as liability on the operations of the organization, there would be increased sense of cooperation acceptance for the people with such disabilities. There is a need to have change attitude of the management system. Further, when the attitude of the people working in the organization changes and considers people with disabilities as assets, then such people would be provided the right kind of training and development opportunities (Lengnick-Hall, 2007).

Further, when the organization considers people with disabilities as an integral part of the organization who can bring fresh perspective in the operations of the organization, then extra medical costs and expenses would not be something that the organization’s management is likely to complain about. Therefore, there is a need for the organization to consider the people with disabilities as essential part of the organization for them to be provided opportunities even with higher costs. Such costs should be considered as a part of the normal operational cost of the organization as weighed in relation to the likely benefits which accrue to such organizations on account of employing people with disabilities (Graffam et al., 2002).


It is true that there are many significant challenges which inhibit organizations from employing people with disabilities. However, there is a need for ensuring that organization has a comprehensive assessment of this matter. When proper analysis of the matter is sought, it shows that the working of the people with disabilities is not likely to cause major impact on the operations of the firm. In fact, the benefits are likely to be immense which may even outweigh the development and presence of the challenges that are likely to be seen within the working of the organization. Therefore, following the experience of Woolworths, a number of companies should be geared for the management of operations while allowing people with disabilities to be part of their operations (Graffam et al., 2002).
