

坐标模型包含CSR的两个相关方法和维度。研究发现,企业社会责任应该在实践中存在动机基础和责任轨迹(Mirvis, 2011)。动机基础应该是战略模型和利他模型的比值。研究发现,责任轨迹讨论的是由公司共享的过程的自主性。公司的战略动机试图协调公司和管理利益与社区利益(Van Marrewijk, 2003)。应该有一种天生的利他主义,应该驱使人们从事人道主义或慈善活动。我们需要真诚的关怀,需要那些习惯于从中获益的人。人的责任所在要求企业对社会行为承担责任(Doh et al, 2015)。另一方面,个体的责任轨迹将注意力转移到个体管理者作为企业社会责任捍卫者的角色上。这个个人和公司的企业责任应该相互配合,朝着公司的最终目标共同努力(Mirvis, 2011)。中小企业不可能拥有与大企业相同的目标或愿景。因此,有必要根据范例和流程的实际可行性来制定公司的目标。该模型的成功或失败取决于公司对社区开发和增长所采用的独特流程。


在并行模型的情况下,理解负责任行为动机背后的原则是很重要的。需要社会表现的反应性和结果。将采用全面和综合的企业社会责任办法来引起企业社会原则所有三个方面的注意。这是社会反应和企业行为结果的交汇点。这应该存在于公司运营的所有领域。这是经济,法律或伦理的范例。已经发现,公司的所有运营过程应该协同工作,以使公司达到范式或最终目标(Mirvis, 2011)。企业社会责任的过程和原始目标相关性的分析应该有连续的概念。在这个过程中,公司的所有利益相关者,如员工、管理层、投资者、客户和供应商都应该协同工作。也应该有当地政府的支持或援助,为公司达到目标。该模型理解公司的所有利益相关者应该相互协作,以达到最终目标(Long et al ., 2015)。该模型的局限性在于,它要求所有的利益相关者都具有相同的激励因素来实现最终目标。这可能并非在任何时候都切实可行。


The coordinate model is found to encompass two relevant methodologies and dimensions for the CSR. It had been found that for the CSR should be in practice, there should be the motivational basis and locus of responsibility (Mirvis, 2011). The motivational basis should be the ratio between the strategic and the altruistic model. It has been found that the locus of responsibility discusses about the autonomy of the processes whichhas been shared by the company.The strategic motive of the company attempts to reconcile the firms and the managerial interest with the community interest (Van Marrewijk, 2003).There should be an innate altruism that should drive the people towards humanitarian or philanthropic activities. There is a need for genuine caring or the people that are used to reap the benefits. The corporate locus of the responsibility of the people requires the responsibility for the social action of the corporation (Doh et al, 2015). On the other hand, the individual locus of responsibility shifts its attention to the role of the individual managers as the champions of the CSR. This individual and the corporate responsibility of the company should work in tandem with each other to share towards the final objective of the company (Mirvis, 2011). It is not plausible for the small or medium enterprises to have the same objective or vision of the larger corporations. Hence, there is a need to develop the objective of the company based on the paradigm and the tangible viability of the processes. The success or failure of this model depends on the unique processes that have been adopted by the company towards community development and growth.


In the case of Side by side model, it is important to understand the principles behind the motivation of responsible behaviour. There is the need for the responsiveness and the outcomes of the social performances. A comprehensive and an integrated CSR approach would be used to entail the attention of all the three aspects of the corporate social principles. This is a meeting point of the social responsiveness and the outcomes of the corporate behaviour. This should be found to exist in all the domains of the firm operations. This is the economic, legal or the ethical paradigms. It has been found that all the operational processes of the company should work in tandem for the company to reach the paradigm or the final objective (Mirvis, 2011). There should be continual conceptualities of the processes and analysis of the original objective relevance in the CSR. For this process, all the stakeholders of the company such as the employees, management, investors, customers and suppliers should work in tandem. There should also be the local governmental support or aid for the company to reach the objective. This model understands that all the stakeholders of the company should work in tandem with each other to reach the final objective (Long et al, 2015). The limitation of this model is that it requires all the stakeholders to have the same motivational factors to achieve the final objective. This may not be practically enforceable at all times.
