

本篇澳洲教育学论文代写-澳大利亚的健康保险领域讲了自2012年以来,澳大利亚的健康保险行业呈现出良好的增长趋势。2012年至2017年的年增长率预计在6.4%左右。总收入为240亿澳元。澳大利亚的经济环境支持该行业,预计行业收入将会增长。健康保险行业是一个庞大的行业,几乎被认为是澳大利亚医疗体系的一个组成部分。这是因为大约有47%的澳大利亚人享受了HI保险。本篇澳洲教育学论文代写由澳洲第一论文 Assignment First辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The industry chosen is the Health Insurance Arena and the companies chosen are Medibank and HCF.

The health insurance industry in Australia is on a good growth trend since 2012. The annual growth rate from 2012-2017 is predicted to be around 6.4 percent. The total revenue is 24 billion AUD. The economic environment of Australia supports the industry and it has been forecast that industry revenue would grow. Health insurance industry is a large industry and is almost considered as an integral part of the Australian Health Care System. This is because of how around 47 percentage of the Australian population comes under HI coverage. Health insurance products like health insurance policies and premium reserves constitute around 95 percent of the total industry revenue. As of 2017, an annualized growth increase of 6.4 percent will lead to a 23.8 billion total industry value as of 2017. Rising premiums and more stable investment returns are the basis for such growth. While yearly premiums are growing, the profit margins are lessened still because the cost of health care has grown. However, growth has not slowed down and the consistent increase in premiums is resulting in solid and stable investment returns across the industry. Consistently, rising premiums and solid investment returns are expected to continue driving growth.

The general economic environment of the country was uncertain over the past decade as it connected with uncertainty in financial markets across the world. Within the country, regulatory changes were made in the Health Insurance Industry that helped establish steady growth. For instance, the number of enterprises was steady because of the strong regulation and enforcement constraints and this leads to greater consistency in performance. Australia’s regulatory efficiency allows for a certain level of business freedom, labour freedom and monetary freedom compared to other countries. For instance, a comparison with values of United Kingdom can be seen that Australia has indeed caught up with the United Kingdom when it comes to business freedom.
