澳洲论文代写-A way to manage global talent

澳洲论文代写-A way to manage global talent。用于培养和管理全球人才的两种主要基于文化的方法是趋同法和发散法(Brewster, Wood, & Brookes, 2008;费斯汀2012)。趋同方法是人力资源管理部门认为跨国家和文化的人力资源实践是相似的。因此,即使文化不同,该方法也会认为人力资源实践是相似的。另一方面,在差异的情况下,人力资源管理实践被认为是不同的。关于这一主题的研究似乎表明,跨文化的人力资源管理实践在某些层面上是趋同的,在其他层面上则是不同的。证据并不确定。在非常普遍的政策层面上,文化可能对人力资源管理实践没有太大的影响。例如,每个员工在工作场所都需要安全保障;他们需要确保他们工作的工作环境不会有任何危险。同样,还有其他一些一般性的政策,比如员工希望看到某种形式的发展,而不管他们所在的公司或自己的文化。职业发展对每个人来说都是一个共同点。然而,在实现这些具体需求的方式上存在分歧。例如,在执行一级,职业发展可能得到不同的对待。因此,从研究文献的论点来看,可以说,在全球人才管理中,趋同和发散的因素是非常重要的。

支持全球人才管理实践的趋同方法是首选,因为它为希望从国际人才库招聘的公司提供了标准化。对人才管理实践的研究表明,趋同方法适用于南非、印度、泰国、新西兰等国家的人才招聘和管理(Koketso & Rust, 2012;Piansoongnern & Anurit, 2010;Anand, 2011;杰恩,2004)。他们的论点是,这些国家在国际就业市场上运营着人才库。因此,尽管存在文化差异,这些国家因此意识到融合的方法可以如何有助于跨越文化之间的联系(Anand, 2011)。北美和欧洲国家在基于文化的招聘和人才管理方面也采用了这种融合视角(Anand, 2011)。由于许多国家倾向于趋同的方法,许多组织更倾向于趋同,因为它为它们解决了人才管理中的文化多样性问题。实现人才管理规范化。

澳洲论文代写-A way to manage global talent。The two main culture based approaches that are used for developing and managing global talent are the convergence and the divergence approach (Brewster, Wood, & Brookes, 2008; Festing, 2012). The convergence approach is one where the human resource management considers HR practices to be similar across countries and cultures. Therefore, even when the culture is different, the approach will consider the HR practice as being similar. On the other hand, in the case of the divergence, the human resource management practices are considered as being dissimilar. Research studies on this subject seem to indicate that the human resource management practices across cultures converge at some levels and diverge at others. The evidence is not certain. At a very general policy level, culture might not have much of an impact on human resource management practices. For instance, every employee will need security in the workplace; they will need to be assured that the workplace setting they are working in will not have any hazards. Similarly, there are other general policies such as that of employees wanting to see some form of development regardless of the company that they work in or their own culture. Career development would be a common point for everybody. The divergence would however exist in the way these specific needs are implemented. At the implementation level for instance, career development might be treated differently. Therefore, from research literature arguments, it could be said that in global talent management, the convergence and divergence elements are of significance.
The convergence approach for supporting global talent management practices is preferred because of the standardization it offers to companies looking to recruit from international talent pools. Studies on talent management practices indicate that the convergence approach is suitable for talent recruitment and management in countries such as South Africa, India, Thailand and New Zealand (Koketso & Rust, 2012; Piansoongnern & Anurit, 2010; Anand, 2011; Jayne, 2004). The argument made is that these countries are operating talent pools in the international job market. As such in spite of the cultural differences, these countries hence are aware of how a convergence approach could be helpful to bridge the connection across cultures (Anand, 2011). This form of a convergence perspective is also adopted by countries in Northern America and Europe when it comes to culture based recruiting and talent management (Anand, 2011). With many nations leaning towards the convergence approach, many organizations prefer convergence, as it solves for them the problems of cultural diversity in talent management. Standardization is achieved in talent management.

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