澳洲论文代写 创建品牌意识的挑战



Challenges in creating brand awareness

It is very crucial for businesses to target the right audience and similarly understand the plan devised for increasing awareness of the brand in your customers. In this entire process of devising a plan and then executing it to create and increase brand awareness, it is important to know how and what will done by the company to increase the brand awareness (Gustafson & Chabot, 2007).

However, according to Gustafson and Chabot (2007), for a brand to develop fully it takes time as first of all, time is required to develop the awareness program, which is effective. Following this, they say, that it is the time needed for the message to reach the potential customer. And even in this, some customers will respond quickly to the message while others will take time to find out about the product and make a decision to purchase it first time and then come again for a repeat purchase. This enforces the point that building longer lasting customer loyalty takes time as an extended experience is required for people to get accustomed to the product (Gustafson & Chabot, 2007).

These actions consequently promote positive brand awareness. As mentioned earlier in chapter 1, brand awareness is the impression that people have of a brand, another challenge faced by businesses is whether the customers take their brand as reliable and of high quality or not. Is it distinguishing from the competitor’s product offerings or not? Does the logo support the overall image of the company’s vision? These options, Gustafson and Chabot (2007) proposed that if used by the company may or may not produce a good impression of the company’s brand as these influence the consumer’s awareness of the brand.




