澳洲论文代写价格 电影和电视剧在韩国



Film and drama in Korea- an Analysis of Cultural Aspects, Local and Global Significance


The history of Korean’s Film and Drama culture dates back to 1898 when the motion pictures were first showcased to the public in Seoul. The fist person ever to create a film in Korea was Burton Holmes, a traveler and lecturer of American origin (KYOUNG-LAE KANG, 2008). Soon after the origin of this form of media entertainment in Korea, the theater Dongdaemun Motion Picture Studio was established in 1903 by Pak Sung-pil who was a keep supporter of Films. In the 1920’s, the era which later became to be popularly known as “The Golden Era of Silent Films “, most of the Korean film studios were being operated by people of Japanese origin. The concept of ‘Silent Films’ was very popular at that time and the first ever Silent Film named ‘ Arirang ‘ was created by Na Woon-gyu (John A.Lent, 1985). With the success of silent films the next challenge was to make films more appealing and entertaining to the Korean audience and develop Sound films, the first sound film developed in Korea named Chunhyang-jeon was directed by Lee Myeong and released in the year 1935 (Sue Jin Lee, 2011)    .




韩国的历史,电影和戏剧文化的历史可以追溯到1898时,电影首次向公众展示在汉城。拳的人创造一个电影在韩国是福尔摩斯,一个旅行者和讲师美国起源(kyoung-lae康,2008)。不久后的起源这种形式的媒体娱乐在韩国,戏院大门电影工作室成立于1903的白sung-pil谁是让支持者电影。在1920年代的时代,后来成为被俗称为“无声电影的黄金时期”,大多数的韩国电影制片厂正在运作,由人的日本起源。“无声电影是在当时非常流行和第一次无声电影名为’阿里郎’是由钠woon-gyu(约翰·斋,1985)。随着成功的无声片的下一个挑战是使电影更具吸引力和娱乐性的韩国观众和发展健全的电影,第一部有声电影在韩国命名chunhyang-jeon导演李Mye ong和释放在今年1935(苏金李,2011)。