澳洲论文代写价格 品牌战略设计



Designing the Branding Strategy


Branding is a complicated exercise, as it does not focus on a particular attribute of the offering, but it focuses on a range of attributes from the designing of the product to its pricing to its promotion. The brand Dark Delight is being communicated as a consumer friendly brand which does not seek to merely satisfy its customers, but it tries to delight them. Correspondingly, the branding strategy of the company in line with the 4 Ps has been discussed below.


Product: The brand has been differentiated from its competitors as it is the brand that deals in dark chocolates only, rather than providing multiple offerings. The branded product is highly customized to meet the needs, tastes and preferences of two different target market segments that is consistent with the tenets of differentiation. As has been shown in the brand positioning map, the product has been positioned as a healthier option than the prevailing brands while it does not compromise on the taste attributes also. As part of its image of being an innovative product, it also proposes to introduce different variants of the product in periodic intervals such as the ones that include wafers, crispies, and nuts to broaden the present product portfolio under the brand and also delight the consumers by continually providing them with new offerings that offer them an assorted range of choices from which they can make their selection (Aaker & Keller, 1990).



品牌是一个复杂的运动,因为它不专注于提供一个特定的属性,但它是放在一个范围从产品的设计属性,它的定价及其推广。品牌的黑暗的愉悦是作为一种消费者友好的品牌,不想仅仅满足客户沟通,但它试图取悦他们。相应地,公司品牌战略的在4 ps的线已经讨论如下。

产品:品牌已区别于其竞争对手的是交易中的黑巧克力的品牌,而不是提供多种服务。品牌产品是高度可定制以满足需求,口味和两个不同的目标细分市场,与分化的原则一致的偏好。如已在品牌定位图所示,该产品已被定位为一个比当时流行的品牌更健康的选择,而不妥协属性的味道。作为其作为一个创新的产品形象的一部分,也提出了在周期性间隔如那些包括晶片,酥产品不同的变种,和坚果扩大目前的产品组合的品牌,也喜悦消费者不断提供新的产品,提供配套的范围选择,他们可以选择(Aaker &凯勒,1990)。