澳洲论文代写价格 人均GDP



This report explains the analysis for the investment of US$ 2 billion for the development of the country and the growth of the GDP per capita by the ten percent in next fifteen years. For this analysis of the investing of money the government decided to forward this project to ministry of finance and find out the best result so that it can be decided to investment the money either for enrolment in secondary schools or in banks & finance to reduce the debts so that their economic condition can be improved.
The ministry of defence then asked to his personal financial expert to analyse the problem and find out the optimum result from the data given to him for the 50 countries with the USA secondary schools enrolment ratio data. The committee meeting asked for the bankers to come up with the statistical analysis with mathematical empirical formulation.The government estimated from the previous results for the enrolment in secondary schools that of the money is invested in educational field then the GDP per capita will increase by 65 percent from the 55 percent over the next fifteen years.


