


1927年,密斯·凡·德·罗(Mies van der Rohe)与包豪斯室内的现代主义设计师莉莉·赖希(Lilly Reich)合作,在柏林举办了de la Mode展览。这次合作的设计在当时是独一无二的,并在很大程度上受到赞赏。这个设计被称为天鹅绒和丝绸咖啡馆。Kruger(2009)认为,在设计结构的建造中使用了丝绸和天鹅绒(Jennings, 2013)。这是从开放空间的高度变化的窗帘形式中使用的。这些作为筛选系统,进一步组织了展示包豪斯作品的空间。为了开发私密的房间,空间用纺织品围起来,居住者在空间中循环。根据Sember(1851)的观点,莉莉·赖希和密斯·凡·德罗在上面讨论的场景中使用的纺织品被认为是结构的基本元素。这将建筑内部与其他建筑区分开来,并在它们之间形成了一个流动的边界。


本研究的主要目的是在公共部门和私营部门之间进行交流的同时,在内部和外部环境中主持对话。其目的是保持设计的投影,同时考虑边界的潜力,作为一种表达每一种状态的临时和不稳定的性质(Frascari, 2007)。这样做的目的是不断认识到环境的不可预测性。所设计的工程不会基于环境来控制失稳,而是锁定了增强失稳的整体方法,因此,在相同的基础上进行间距和设计是有经验的。基本的基础是提供一个绿色环境,增加与社会属性的互动,因此,这将导致可持续发展。


This section will describe and analyse the current practices and theories outlining the architectural philosophy and design field. This will also lead towards outlining the work basis and articulating the position of the designer within it.
Collaboration was formed by Mies van der Rohe with a modernist designer, Lilly Reich within Bauhaus for the exposition of de la Mode located in Berlin in the year of 1927. The design made by this collaboration was unique of its time and was admired to a great extent. This design was known as The Velvet and Silk Café. According to Kruger (2009), silk as well as velvet was used in building of the designed structure (Jennings, 2013). This was used within the form of curtain from the heights of variance in the space that is open. These performed as systems of screening that further organized the space for displaying the works of Bauhaus. In order to develop intimate rooms, spaces were enclosed with the use of textile wherein the occupant circulates throughout the space. As per Sember (1851), it is considered that used textile within both the discussed scenarios above by Lilly Reich and Mies van der Rohe, was the essential elements of the structure. This differentiated the interior of architecture from another and visualized a fluid boundary among them.


The key intention of this research is to host the conversations present across the internal and external environment, while interchanging between the public and privatized sectors. The intention is to maintain the projection of designs while considering the potential of boundaries as a mere approach for expressing each and every state in the temporary and unstable nature (Frascari, 2007). This has been undertaken for the purpose of recognizing the environment continuously in terms of unpredictability. Instead of putting in efforts for controlling the instability based on environment, the designed project will be locking the overall approach for the enhancement of instability, and therefore, there is experience about spacing and designing across the same foundation. The fundamental base is in offering a green environment with increased interaction with the social attribute and hence, this will lead towards sustainability.
