

更好的消费者参与:当阅读任何印刷材料时,消费者会变得更加投入。根据一项研究,人们阅读数字内容的速度往往比阅读纸质内容慢20%到30% (Tuncer and Bahadir, 2014)。




二维码的使用:最新的二维码在印刷媒体上的使用是将网络和印刷媒体结合起来的有效方式。这些代码只要用智能手机扫描就可以链接到想要的网页。这可以通过报纸提供特别优惠或促销折扣来吸引读者(Probst, 2012)。

由于这些公司寻求最大数量的渠道来推广他们的产品和服务,在平面媒体上使用广告可以为媒体公司创造收入。同样,对于分类广告的定位,正确的受众是最重要的,这可以通过使用地区或社区特定的印刷出版物来实现。因此,不仅可以在印刷媒体上使用广告,而且可以在这些出版物的在线版本上使用广告,从而产生收入。然而,印刷媒体对广告收入的唯一依赖必须进行调整,以调整对最新技术和互联网的使用(Ghersetti, 2013)。


Better Consumer Engagement: while reading any printed materials, consumers become much more engaged. As per a research, the people tend to read digital content 20% to 30% slower than they read the printed paper (Tuncer and Bahadir, 2014).
Easy way of Target Marketing: Companies can successfully influence niche consumers by publishing advertisement in print media publications like specialty magazines. Such specific market targeting is difficult by using the online marketing portals.
Lower Number of Print Ads: due to increasing dependence on the internet for advertisement, the print media have fewer advertisements, which could be utilised as an advantage by the companies. The publications with fewer ads have more space and might even come at cheaper rates for the companies to do their marketing.


Use of QR Codes: the latest use of putting QR codes on the printed media is an effective way to unite the web and the printed media. These codes on scanning with a smart phone could link to the desired webpage. This could be used to attract the readers by offering special offers or promotional discounts through newspapers (Probst, 2012).
As the companies look for maximum number of channels to promote their products and services, the use of advertisement in the print media can be done for media companies for generating revenues. Similarly, for the classified advertisements targeting, the correct audience is the most important, which could be done by using the regional or community specific print publications. The revenue can thus be generated by using advertisement not only in the print media, but also on the online versions of these publications. However, the sole dependency on the income generation from advertisement in the print media has to be modified to adjust the use of latest technologies and internet (Ghersetti, 2013).
