



Strategic objectives of a company must be met by its existing resources and infrastructure, and it is critical for such existing infrastructure to be revamped in order to make sure that they are a best fit to strategic objectives. The best fit or the best practice strategy as employed in human resources and strategies is based on how a strategy that best works with their existing human resources are identified.


就社会战略而言,基于对与公司相关的消费者群体的了解,应该制定一种类似的最佳拟合方法。社交媒体分析就是这么做的。社交媒体分析可以被定义为一种方式,在这种方式中,企业可以从营销和销售的角度收集对其感兴趣的数字对话的数据。这些分析和数据用于构建其进一步的策略(Hansen et al., 2010;他等人,2013)。


In the case of the social strategy, a similar best fit approach should be formulated based on an understanding of consumer segments that associate with the company. Social media analytics is the way to do this. Social media analytics can be defined as the way, in which a business would gather data on the digital conversations that are interesting to it from a marketing and sales viewpoint. The analyses and the data are used for structuring its further strategies (Hansen et al., 2010; He et al., 2013).
