澳洲硕士论文代写 实证主义



Researchers employing the positivistic paradigm assume that social reality lies within the domain of the research and has to be measured to understand it. On the other side of the continuum are phenomenological mindsets that focus on the meaning rather than on the measurement of social problems (Collis & Hussey 2003:53). According to Collis and Hussey (2003:78), the use of different research approaches, methods, and techniques in the same research study is known as triangulation. Triangulation can overcome the potential bias and sterility of a single-method approach. Given the nature of the problem, the positivistic approach seems most appropriate to gauge the potential mismatch of expected and provided safety measures to employees of various companies in China.
From the above, it should be evident that the positivistic research paradigm and its associated statistical data collection and analysis methodologies are more suitable to test the hypothetical models. The phenomenological paradigm is not relevant for this research because the research objectives and hypotheses are not focused on the meaning of the relationships but rather on relationships as specified and tested for differences.


采用实证主义范式研究者认为社会现实存在的研究领域内,已被测量的理解。在连续的另一边是现象学的观念,注重意义而不是对社会问题的测量(Collis &赫西2003:53)。据科利斯和赫西(2003:78),不同的研究方法,使用方法,并在同一研究技术被称为三角。三角可以克服潜在的偏见和一个单一的方法不育。鉴于问题的性质,实证主义的方法似乎是最合适的衡量预期潜在的失配和提供安全措施,在中国各公司的员工。
