




The most important and major issue in the macroeconomics of Australia is unemployment. It has been considered as a central issue due to the fact that macroeconomics starts with a claim that economy of a market can remain for a substantial period of time, within a condition of high rate of unemployment and exceeding supply within the market. If this particular claim had been incorrect, there would have been no need for a different field of macroeconomic and deriving everything from the field of microeconomics would have been possible.
In this report, this major issue will closely analysed by a case study approach. A relevant case study in this context will be chosen for analysis. The case that has been chosen for analysis is related to the struggle that Australians are facing due to unemployment.
Case Study Overview
Unemployment is a situation in which an individual is not able to find or is not looking for an appropriate job in accordance with his or her skills. It can be voluntary or forced. However, the population of Australia has been facing a different kind of issue related to unemployment. This is related to the increased number of unpaid overtime hours and lack of congruency in skills required for a job and skills possessed by the worker.
In the condition of full-time work, the population of Australia are doing more unpaid overtime in full-time work than ever. On the other hand, those who doing part-time jobs and are unemployed are struggling a lot for finding jobs (Lucas 2013). According to a separate research by federal government, it has been seen that almost more than a third mothers of Australia having children under fifteen are not being given payment in employment. This has been recognised as the lowest level across the developed nations. A study has also been conducted in this context that has analysed the long working hours of Australian and the barriers they end up facing to find jobs and work in order to restore or maintain stability in life.