


丹·哈里斯(Dan Harris)的《10%的快乐》一书着重描写了冥想的重要性。丹·哈里斯的任务是传播冥想和正念的练习。作者认为,无情、不安和贪婪的声音是他头脑中最重要的资产之一。然而,他发现这是他的主要问题,并发现冥想是解决他问题的方法。作者长期与未洗的嬉皮士和长满胡子的沼泽地联系在一起,他从那里学会了冥想。调解的受欢迎程度与日俱增,因为它对健康有许多好处。读者可以通过阅读“10%的快乐”来确定和分析冥想的好处。



The book “10% happier” of Dan Harris focuses on the importance of meditation. Dan Harris mission is to spread the practice of meditation and mindfulness. The author believed the relentless, restless and avid voice is one of the greatest assets in his mind. However, he found that it was his major problem and discovered that meditation is the solution to his problem. The author was long associated with unwashed hippies and bearded swamis from where he learned meditation. The popularity of mediation is increasing day by day as because it has many health benefits. The reader can determine and analyze the benefits of meditation after reading the book “10% happier”.

Meditation increases the concentration level of an individual and also motivates them positively. The author has also described the affects of increasing stress level and the solution he has found and analyzed through the practice of meditation. The book gives an appropriate direction and how meditation makes an individual 10 percent happier. The author makes a comment about the therapy that it works a little bit. In other words, the therapy makes a small difference, but still, it makes a difference. Meditation increases the ability to respond to a situation rather than to react. It also increases the ability to identify what is happening in mind- jealousy, pain, jealousy, anger, etc. Therefore, meditation increases the ability to think and also motivates an individual.