




The Industrial revolutions could be said to be the beginning of the art movement in fact, as this was the time that the world moved from a more capital based economy of the past to a mass-producing economy that aimed at controlling costs for everybody. Graphic design was used in these times extensively but then it was not termed as such. For instance, the messages, posters and leaves sent out to people who can read by businesses, or event presenters were seen to have different kinds of advertising information on them. This information existed in the form of engravings, time tables, poster borders and many more. The designs at those times were seen to be become more competitive and this led to picture styles and different forms of typefaces as well. Highly skilled painters were employed for this purpose. The form of function as identified in the work of Morris and the Art and Crafts movement was considered as being entwined, and this then led to much revaluation of the graphic design forms that were used in the times of the industrial revolution


The early twentieth century art movement was seen to combine the elements of futurism, Dadaism, surrealism and many more. Much of the artists during the post industrialist period and the industrialist period were seen to focus on how to express communication in a much faster way. Using communication, the traditional print way when it came to their own displays was not really aesthetic and for the purpose of communication were not considered unique in itself. Better connect with their viewers was achieved when print tradition was broken. Print and other information were presented in abstracted letter forms, were drawn instead of being typewritten. These designs were curved and were of various styles and sizes. Spaces were redefined by the art works in futurism and Dadaism and in a similar way, space was redefined for the presentation of textual information as well. Stijl, the Bauhaus, and Herbert Bayer where seen as some of the most influential in this context.