







Routines of a city are a symbolization of the community and the innate culture of the people. In this process, when the city is deigned in a way where the affluent class will never interact with the people in poverty there seems to be a lack of awareness. The people simply do not have to interact with the people who do not have the basic facilities. This makes further deepening of the issues. The designers of the city create a space for growth in certain areas while ignoring some areas of the city. This has caused a deepening divide between the people. The urban development and the community development is not equal. It seems to be growing on one end of the cities while the inner cities and the lower income group are largely forgotten. This leads to the paradigm where it is simply fine to overlook the poverty and the struggles of people living in the inner cities.


There is degradation of the cultural symbolizations in the process of homogenization of the technology. The people emulate the practices of the competitive world and forget about their local symbolization and heritage. It gets greater loss of the culture. The shopping malls, office and the apartments are designed in a way that the people have no real need to interact with one another. There is an elite population and a low income group who do not interact with one another. This condition found to exists in the royal families in the past. Nevertheless, the bourgeois class in the historical times found ways to interact with the people in the lower income groups in the past. This has changed in the modern cities. The elites and the affluent class of the people simply do not want to interact with the lower income group. The democracy and the power of the people is lost in this process of economic segregation.
It can be argued that a better deign may not be a panacea for all the society evils, but it would certainly open new avenues for the people to interact with one another. The city design and the community designers face the issue of catering towards the needs of the customers. By this process of creating an equal space for all the members, new dialogues and interactions would open. This could be a starting point to cure the other issues that are stemming in the cities. There could be reorienting of the people in the societies.