

银行不仅关心投资,而且对所产生的业务也有极大的关注。银行家们一直受到严格的银行业规范的监督。他们每天都面临着挑战,在维持核心收益、销售产品、维持客户关系等方面,还有更多的挑战很容易就能填满这个列表(Onkvisit and Shaw, 2004)。最重要的是,利率的大幅下降使得许多客户投资于其他领域。银行家或银行所能做的最多就是削减内部成本或提高已在运行的服务的费用。新产品管理理论也关注有形产品或无形产品的成本、时间和质量。这些特性促使人们选择该产品并使其获得成功。因此,银行和其他金融机构寻找能够给予他们强烈回应的产品或服务。



国际儿童与青年金融组织是一个非营利性组织,于2011年7月在阿姆斯特丹成立。它被认为是世界上最大的儿童和青年财政运动。该计划的主要动机是关注一个学生或一个孩子的金融包容性,这样他们就可以拥有一个可操作的储蓄账户,他们可以使用这个账户直到他们完成经济公民教育毕业。储蓄银行帐户曾经是一种金融服务,由父母或孩子的监护人来照顾。现在,当孩子们用他们的储蓄账户接受金融服务时,事情就变得容易多了。2012年发起的全球运动的目标是,到2015年年底,在全球100个国家的1亿人口中站稳脚跟(Annacchino, 2007)。儿童和青年金融国际的储蓄银行账户已经达到1870万儿童,并已开始与100个国家的政府密切合作。为了激励儿童和青年,国际儿童和青年金融协会将全球货币周作为一种庆祝活动,这使得它能够触及世界上最遥远的角落,说服人们开设储蓄银行账户。全球货币周是一个特别庆祝的工作场所,在这里孩子们被给予特别的关注,教他们如何处理和明智地使用金钱。所举办的活动均由学院、学校、机构等组织。2016年全球货币周的主题是“参与”。保存智能”。省钱的重要性,在值得花钱的地方明智地使用它,成为一名企业家,这些都是全球财富周的主要焦点。儿童和青年金融积极参与了这一运动,从而使世界各地的年轻人有可能对如何明智地使用和节省资金有充分的想法(Kahn et al., 2013)。青年银行账户在2012年已经开通,但还没有普及到世界的每一个角落。


Introduction of a new product at the Community Bank

A bank is not only concerned with investments but also has immense concerns about the business generated. The bankers always have been under the surveillance of strong banking norms. They have challenges every day, regarding maintaining core earnings, selling products, and keeping up the customer relationship and many more will easily fill up the list (Onkvisit and Shaw, 2004). On top of that there is a drastic fall in the interest rates that makes many customers to invest elsewhere. The maximum a banker or the bank can do is cut down the internal costs or raise the fees of the already running services. New Product Management Theory also focuses on the cost, time and quality of the tangible product or an intangible one. These many features drive people to opt for the product and make it a success. The banking and other financial organizations therefore look for products or services that give them a strong response.

New services and products have done the wonders; they help the bankers to connect with their customers and provide services at its best. However, choosing the correct product for a specific customer is not an easy job. One needs to understand the needs of the customers. Before considering the launch of a particular product the boards of directors generally sit and talk about the risks and the longevity of the service or product.

Child and Youth Finance International: Youth Bank Account

Child and Youth Finance International is a non-profit organization that was established in Amsterdam in 2011 in the month of July. It is supposedly the world’s largest movement on the finance for children and the youth of the century. The main motive of the plan is to focus on the financial inclusion of a student or a child so that they can have a running operable savings account that they can use till they graduate with economic citizenship education. Savings Bank Account used to be a financial service that either the parent or the guardians of the child used to look after. Now things are becoming easier when the children are open to financial services using their savings bank account. The Global campaign that was launched in the year 2012 had a target in mind that it would be setting its feet across the world reaching 100 million people in 100 countries by the end of the year 2015 (Annacchino, 2007). Savings Bank Account by Child and Youth Finance International has already reached 18.7 million children and has started working closely with the governments of 100 countries. Introducing the Global Money Week as a celebration in order to inspire children Child and Youth Finance International has made it possible to reach out to even the remotest corners of the world in convincing people to open a Savings bank Account. Global Money Week is a special celebrating workspace where the children are given special attention about teaching them how to handle money and use it wisely. The events that are conducted were all organized by the colleges, schools, institutions etc. The 2016 theme for Global Money Week is “Take Part. Save Smart”. The importance of saving money, using it wisely at places where worth it and becoming an entrepreneur are all the main focuses of Global Money Week. Child and Youth Finance have actively taken part in the movement thereby making it possible for the young people all around the world to have ample idea about using and saving money wisely (Kahn et al., 2013). Youth Bank Account has started in the year 2012 but has not yet reached every corner of the world.
