


The decision was taken to ensure that the product extension model and remarketing model need to be used. The aim of this business idea was to find a business proposal that would actually help the turnover and also find ways to safeguard that the environment is benefitted. It is important to reflect the aspect of finance and environment in the model. But we were worried about how to ensure that the city council was satisfied with the services and to be bringing efficiency in the processes. It is important to have a model where all the related people gain from this business model. Owing to this, the model that was suggested to improve the processes are using the pay-per-use or leasing models. These are helpful in the extension of the product life cycle and the environment. But we needed the required infrastructure and the cost per product life cycle to be collated. These are the important consideration that should be factored while developing a product design. The challenges must be developed. This is only the business ideas and the specific details and more tangible data to make determinations. Based on the current analysis, it can be said that the idea of returning a bike at a convenient location would cause all the people to be benefitted. These are the main factors that should be considered in this business idea.

13 million tons of materials can be reused or remanufactured. A significant portion of these materials ends up as waste and pollutes the environment. These are based on the data collated from the world reports (Andrews, 2015). These materials eventually end up in landfills and create the issues of sustainability. To address these concerns, there must be better business models. Currently, the models tend to favour either the business or the environment. An imperative need is required to make sure that all the people in the community are connected.  The change in the manufacturing process is also needed. The increase in the waste challenges are expected to increase at alarming levels by 2050 (MacArthur, 2013). There must be a way to address and alleviate the concerns of the people. The process of generation of the renewable sources must be treated with focus on optimization of the resources. The circular economy is aimed at the cradle-to-cradle cycle use of the materials (Gould, Pellow and Schnaiberg, 2015). It is used for the prevention of the negative effects on the environment. Remanufacturing is deliberated to be a value of priority that is factored over the recycling process. This is found to lose all the value of the material. Most of the material usually ends up in the landfill and they are down cycled to a lower value.
