

由于英国反歧视法的几次修改,雇主有义务采取措施,以多种方式消除招聘和工作场所的歧视(Fennelly, 2012)。如前所述,英国有几项立法规定并要求雇主承担防止歧视的责任。从这些反歧视法中可以看出,在现代社会,有一定的因素在营销好的有效组织。正确的行为应该反映积极的形象,而不正确的行为被认为是反映消极的形象(Foubert et al., 2010)。在这种情况下,雇主必须承认他们一直在经营、培训和发展管理人员以了解文化差异的整个社会的文化边界,并为促进文化实践而调整工作场所的做法。在此背景下,雇主应该把重点放在制定产假政策上,鼓励灵活的工作时间,考虑提供托儿所的机会,考虑哺乳母亲的住宿方式(Fredman, 2008)。

将平等视为一个普遍问题的组织,不仅在组织的领导方面,还在运作的许多不同方面面临问题。英国的商业组织现在认为平等是一种良好的力量和自然的公平。因此,英国的一些商业组织考虑公平对待个人,使企业能够从工作场所的优势中获益,同时鼓励个人支持彼此的弱点。在这种背景下,雇主应该专注于定义反骚扰政策,在整个工作场所传播该政策,培训该政策的管理者,以及支持面临骚扰的工人(Hand, 2012)。

然而,法律保护方面的实际进展并没有简单地解释为政治、文化和社会平等。在一系列持续的不平等中,有小孩的母亲,特别是考虑到巴基斯坦和孟加拉国的妇女,在就业市场上受到了特别恶劣的对待,在就业和支付机会方面似乎普遍存在性别不平等(Higgins and Tatham, 2010)。这是一种情况,而不论妇女在每一个种族的每一个教育水平上都取得越来越大的成功和相对的成功。承认对老年人的歧视是存在的,并且与对其他形式歧视的认识相比,这种歧视的普及速度较慢。老年人自己也迟迟没有认识到,他们应该在广播公司中受到更好的指控和对待,因为广播公司中普遍存在性别和年龄歧视。自9/11恐怖袭击以来,宗教与种族的比较一直被认为是一条严重的错误路线(Howes, 2009)。就劳工、保健和教育市场而言,旅行者和吉卜赛人仍然是所有种族中社会效益最差的。LGBT群体仍然经历着欺凌和偏见,而精神疾病的污名仍然存在。针对残疾人的仇恨犯罪,包括那些学习困难的人,有极端的频率。在这方面,雇主应该考虑将非歧视与企业的优先事项联系起来,从最高管理层那里获得对这些举措的支持,并从非歧视中找出企业优势(Jeffers, 2005)。


As a result of several changes in the discrimination law of UK, employers hold the obligation of taking steps for elimination of discrimination in terms of recruitment and across the workplace in several ways (Fennelly, 2012). As mentioned previously, there are several legislations of UK stating and mandating the responsibility of employers for the prevention of discrimination. As reflected by these discrimination laws, there are certain factors marketing good effective organizations in the modern era. Correct actions are supposed to be reflecting a positive image, while incorrect action is known to be reflecting a negative image (Foubert et al., 2010). In this context, the employer will have to acknowledge cultural borders across the society within which they have been operating, training and developing the managers for understanding differences of culture, and adjusting practices of workplace for facilitating cultural practices as possible. In this context, employers should focuse on instituting policies of maternity leave, encouraging flexible work whenever accurate, considering the chance to provide creches, and considering ways for the accommodation of breastfeeding mothers (Fredman, 2008).
Organizations perceiving equality as a general issue face problems in a number of different aspects of operation, not just in the leadership of an organization. Business organizations of UK now consider equality as a good force and natural fairness. Hence, a number of business organizations of UK consider treating individuals fairly enabling the business for benefiting from strengths of the work place, while encouraging individuals for supporting the weaknesses of one another. In this context, employers should focus on defining the policy of anti-harassment, communicating the policy across the workplace, training managers across the policy, and supporting workers facing harassment (Hand, 2012).
However, actual progress in lawful protection has not been translated simply as political, cultural and social equality. Among a number of continuous inequality, mother having young children, especially considering Pakistani and Bangladeshi women, are treated specifically badly in the market of employment and there seems to be pervasive inequality of gender in employment and payment opportunities (Higgins and Tatham, 2010). This is the scenario irrespective of the increasing and relative success of women at each and every level of education from every ethnic group. Recognition of discrimination against population of older adult is in existence and has resulted in slower penetration in comparison with awareness regarding other forms of discrimination. The population of older adults themselves have been slow in acknowledging that they should receive better accusations and treatment of gender and age discrimination across broadcasters who are extremely pervasive. Religion, in comparison with race has been identified as a serious faulty line since the terrorist attack of 9/11 (Howes, 2009). Travellers and Gypsies are still known to be having the worst social results for any ethnic category, with respect to the labour, health and education market. LGBT groups still have been experiencing bullying and prejudice, while there is still stigmatization of mental illness. Hate crime against disabled individuals including the ones with difficulties of learning, have extreme frequency. In this context, employers should consider linking non-discrimination with priorities of business, getting support from top management for the initiatives, and identifying business advantages out of non-discrimination (Jeffers, 2005).
