

父母是改变的调解人。父母是孩子养成健康习惯的关键因素。他们符合父母的意识形态。家庭健康的长期影响由父母的先例行为决定(Golan & Crow, 2004)。任何以家庭为基础的干预都应注重改变父母,以改变儿童肥胖状况。进行了特定的初步研究,上述陈述是本分析确定的关键因素(Golan & Crow, 2004)。本研究的优势在于时间跨度为7年。在7年期间监测了干预行动,以便从全面的角度了解情况。由于这一点,分析了家庭情况和制定解决办法的方法,以解决具体的原因。本研究的局限性在于使用的样本量相比之下要小得多(Golan & Crow, 2004)。对照组采用儿童入路。这并不能回答许多现代趋势(Golan & Crow, 2004)。需要更多的研究和更大的样本量来支持研究提出的论点。

通过对148名参与者的分析得出结论,父母和孩子应该控制他们摄入的营养类型(Best et al., 2016)。据观察,这些家庭应该制定协议,以确保他们消费更健康的食品。这些研究表明,父母在决定孩子未来健康方面发挥着重要的作用。他们必须确保孩子们吃的食物使他们强壮和健康。父母在解读所需要的能量丰富的食物类型方面扮演着重要的角色。这项研究的优势在于,它试图解释问题的根本原因。允许这些家庭与营养学家一起制定适合各自家庭的理想计划(Best et al., 2016)。这项研究的局限性在于,它没有考虑到其他减肥方式,如体育活动。这里只强调食物的消费类型(Best et al., 2016)。

一项名为“滋养”(滋养我们对改善支持和健康的角色塑造的理解)的试点研究项目,分析了种族、民族和经济状况对人们饮食习惯的影响。营养是一个重要的项目,关注如何提高个人的健康在社会上。有人注意到,某些民族和较低的经济地位在这一过程中造成了忽视人民的情况。由于这一点,社会成员的全面健康普遍受到损害。营养精确地指出了肥胖的根本原因。它涉及到现代被压迫者和非裔美国人社区所面临的所有问题。这在研究中得到了详细的披露(Mazzeo et al., 2014)。研究发现,干预结果表明,儿童体重指数在这一过程中明显下降。体重指数的发展越来越受到重视。它也加强了正面榜样的重要性。这些都是本研究的重要优势。本研究的局限性在于,它只是一个试点研究,需要更多的数据分析和更多的时间来观察研究结果。对于特定的干预,只分配了6周的时间来做出决定(Mazzeo et al., 2014)。尽管如此,研究结果表明,这一分析在社会上有潜在的积极结果。


Parents were the mediators for change. Parents play a key aspect for the children to develop healthier practices. They conform into the ideologies held by the parents. Long-term implications of the health of the family had determined by the precedent behavior set by the parents (Golan & Crow, 2004). Any family based intervention should focus on changing the parent to bring about changes in the children obesity. Particular primary research was undertaken and the above-mentioned statements were the key factors that were determined in this analysis (Golan & Crow, 2004). Strength of this research is that the time duration taken is 7 years. Intervention was monitored over a period of seven years to understand the situation from a holistic angle. Owing to this there was analysis of the family circumstances and the methods in which the solutions can be developed to address the specific causes. Limitation of this research is that the sample size used is considerable smaller in comparison (Golan & Crow, 2004). Child only approach as considered in the control group. This does not answer many of the modern trends (Golan & Crow, 2004). There is a need for more research and bigger sample size to bolster the argument put forward by the researches.
From analysis of 148 participants it was concluded that the parents and children should control the type of nutrition they consume (Best et al., 2016). It has been observed that the families should develop protocols to ensure that they consume healthier foods. These researches indicate that the parents play an important role in determining the future of the children health. They have to ensure that the children are fed foods that make them strong and healthy. Parents play an important role in deciphering the type of energy rich foods that are required. Strength of this research is that it tries to decipher the root cause of the issues. The families are allowed to work with nutritionists to develop plans that are ideal and suitable for the respective families (Best et al., 2016). Limitation of this research is that it does not factor in other modals of weight reduction such as physical activity. There is only emphasis given to the type of food consumed (Best et al., 2016).
Pilot study program called NOURISH (Nourishing Our Understanding of Role modeling to Improve Support and Health) was undertaken to analyze how race, ethnicity and economic status of people have an impact on their food habits. NOURISH is an important program that focused on how to improve the health of the individuals in the society. It has been observed that certain ethnics’ and lower economic status creates a situation where the people are overlooked in the process. Owing to this there has been general detriment to the overall health of the societal members. NOURISH pinpoints the exact root cause of obesity. It factors in all the issues faced by the downtrodden people and African American communities in the modern era. This has been divulged in detail in the study (Mazzeo et al., 2014). It has been found that the results of the intervention showed that the children BMI had reduced drastically in this process. There is more emphasis given to the development of BMI. It also reinforces the importance of positive role models. These are the important strength of the research. Limitation of this research is that it is only a pilot study it requires more data analysis and more time to observe the findings. For the particular intervention only six weeks was allotted to make the determination (Mazzeo et al., 2014). Nevertheless the results show that there are potentially positive outcomes in the society owing to this analysis.
