代写dissertation 中国的房地产市场



China’s Real Estate Market

Much of the increase reflects the construction of new luxury housing and second homes for the city’s wealthiest residents. Concerned that real estate speculation is putting housing out of reach for a growing portion of the population, the government is taking steps to deter speculation and encourage construction of low-income housing. One has to question whether families are making concerted efforts to save more and spend less, and whether this affects housing lifestyles. Up until now, consumers have been spending money while still cutting down on debt, according to Standard & Poor’s economists. Consumers are becoming less scared and are starting to borrow and spend again, said S&P’s economists.

Response to government

Responding to encouragement from the central government to improve efficiency and raise capital, several of China’s leading state owned construction companies have already completed initial public offerings (IPOs) in 2009. Despite a brief scare in March 2009, when the Shanghai Stock Exchange plunged almost 10% in one day, investor interest in shares of construction companies is strong, thanks to the building boom in China and the government’s plan to finance huge infrastructure projects in the coming years. China Communications Construction Group Ltd., the largest harbor construction company in China and the world’s largest maker of container cranes, led the way. The sale was viewed as an unqualifiand oed success, with strong initial demand from investors and sustained price gains since the listing, and is encouraging other companies to go public.





响应来自中央政府的鼓励来提高效率和增加资本,几家中国领先的国有建筑公司已经完成了首次公开发行(IPO)2009。尽管在2009三月短暂的恐慌,当上海股市下跌几乎10%的一天,投资者在建筑公司的股票的强烈兴趣,得益于中国的建设热潮,政府计划在未来的几年里,巨大的金融基础设施项目。中国交通建设集团有限公司,最大的港口建设公司在中国和世界上最大的集装箱起重机制造商,领导方式。销售被视为一个unqualifiand OED的成功,具有很强的初始投资者的需求和持续的价格上涨自上市,并鼓励其他公司上市。