代写essay-The concept of organizational culture

代写essay-The concept of organizational culture。组织文化是一套逐渐发展起来的过程和工作方法,使组织能够假定可预测的结果并制定面向结果的战略。它们通常是构成组织核心身份的一组信念、价值观和行为模式。文化定义了组织运作和行为的方式,员工也因此被凝聚成类似的行为和行为方式,以实现组织文化的目的。形成一种文化有巨大的优势,因为它支持实现所期望的目标,而制定这种文化的目的是为了与组织的目标保持一致。作为优势,组织文化也有一定的劣势。本文将讨论组织文化的概念,并指出其优缺点。


1. 当企业文化较弱时,即使是最积极、最有才华的员工也可能在行动上停滞不前,失去热情。较弱的行动文化和抓住机遇的做法,可能会使企业在市场充裕时失去机会。

2. 可以观察到,CEO的性格及其行为模式对组织文化的影响很大(O’reilly et al., 2014)。即使是最高管理层的行为,也或多或少让企业文化喜欢上了他们。如果首席执行官的生产力低下,这将反映在整个文化中,因此,生产力低下的螺旋式影响将是显而易见的。

3.可以观察到,当一个组织向其员工介绍强大的行为模式和惯例时,他们在动态环境中所需的效率较低(Chatman et al., 2014)。动态的环境需要创新的思维和激励的行动和反应,这可能是一个员工谁是遵循一个强大的文化是困难的。

4. 灵活性是成功领导者的特质之一,当企业文化遵循常规流程而不偏离规定的行为时,就会给员工和雇主带来利益冲突。因此,它可能会限制前瞻性员工所期望的生产活动的自由流动。

5. 一个强大的文化,优秀的培养大师追随者和顺从的员工将不能使学习过程成为员工之间的必要。因此,当员工只是习惯于只是盲目地追随一个单一的结构设计工作和文化,他们将无法抓住机会要灵活,不断学习新的概念和理论可远比一个组织文化的好处(查特曼et al ., 2013)。

6. 将一个人的信念塑造成一种不同的、将员工纳入企业文化的心态,可能会阻碍员工的潜力得到提升,并被用于组织的进步。当一个聪明的员工被压制成一个可预测的商业行动者时,这将是组织唯一的损失,因为它不能让这些聪明的员工自由地做出自己的决定,并以最佳的方式提高公司的身份。


代写essay-The concept of organizational culture。Organizational culture is a set of gradually developed methods of processes and working so that the organisation is able to assume predictable results and make result oriented strategies. They are generally the set of beliefs, values, and behaviour patterns forming the core identity of the organisation. The culture defines the way the organisation will operate and act and with it the employees are also gelled into a similar way of behaving and acting to fulfil the purpose of the organizational culture. There are tremendous advantages of the formation of a culture as it supports the attainment of the desired objective and the culture is formulated for the purpose of being aligned with the objectives of the organisation. As advantages, the organizational culture also has certain disadvantages. This essay will discuss the concept of organizational culture and lay out its advantages and disadvantages.

As much as organizational culture is beneficial in all terms to an organisation, it also has disadvantages.
1. When the culture is weaker, even the most motivated and talented employees may become stagnant in action and will not be enthusiastic. A weaker culture in action and grabbing opportunities can make the organisation deprived of opportunities when there are plenty in the market.
2. It is observed that the organizational culture is highly influenced by the CEO personality and their behavioural patterns (O’Reilly et al., 2014). Even the actions of the top management make the culture more or less like them. If the CEO is poor in productivity it will reflect in the entire culture and thus the spiralling impact of poor productivity will be visible.
3. It is observed that when an organisation introduces their employees to strong behavioural patterns and routines, they are less effective as required in dynamic environments (Chatman et al., 2014). Dynamic environments require innovative thinking and on the spur action and response which may be difficult for an employee who is following a strong culture.
4. Flexibility is one of the qualities of successful leaders and when the culture is to follow a routine process and not deviate from the prescribed behaviour, it creates conflict of interest for employees and the employer. Thus, it may restrict a free flow of productive actions which may be desired by forward looking employees.
5. A strong culture which is excellent in producing master followers and obedient employees will fail to make learning process an essentiality among employees. Thus, when the employees are only accustomed to just blindly follow a singular structure of work and the culture designed, they will fail to grab the opportunity to be flexible and keep learning new concepts and theories which could be far better than the benefits of an organizational culture (Chatman et al., 2013).
6. Moulding one’s belief into a different and set mind for including the employee in the culture will probably disallow the potential to the employee to rise and be used for the progress of the organisation. An intellectual employee when suppressed to become a predictable actor in business will be the sole loss of the organisation as it does not free such intelligent employees to make their own decisions and act in the best way possible to enhance the company’s identity.

Organizational culture is an essential commodity to be included in the progression of organisations. It makes the business actions more predictable and assumes behavioural patterns making the process simpler and identification of errors faster. The culture is more important for streamlining the employee values and beliefs who then act as per the cultural patterns formulated. The benefits are large enough, both in social and financial terms as it helps the organisation and supports employee development. However, in specific settings where flexibility if demanded from the employee, it may be detrimental and prove to be loss making. It can also limit the learning capabilities and intellectual capacities of employees as the culture curb the expression of free desire which may be more contributory in profit terms for the organisation. It is recommended that organisations adopt a balanced view of the formation of organisation culture and use it to its own advantage.

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