
任何關於崛起的資本主義的研究,關於它的演變和起源,都必然以與資本相關的特定概念為前提。資本主義或資本主義經濟可以被間接地稱為經濟關係的治理體系(Torre, 2014)。為了按照這種觀點理解資本主義,重要的是要超越新古典主義經濟學的標準分析,而僅僅超越純粹的經濟學市場平台。這包括納入以政治為基礎的經濟的權威和機構(Argyrous和Stilwell 2011)。很少有理由去定義如何在治理系統執行的工作中必須有一個簡化,並且一些有差異的研究人員對這個定義做出了重大貢獻。卡爾•馬克思(Karl Marx)就是其中的一位經濟學家,他對資本主義經濟如何在不自覺地指導經濟準獨立行為者的情況下,啟動由大量人口提供的行動協調機制提供了卓越的見解,從而做出了重大貢獻(多德,2004)。


這被認為是通過價格機制來平衡需求和供給。本文將以馬克思對資本主義經濟的認識為重點,識別資本主義經濟的主要特徵,並與新古典經濟學的觀點進行比較。在當今的經濟體制中,沒有古典資本主義經濟的範圍。國家政府的不干涉、完全競爭和自由市場在經濟活動中並不存在。資本主義經濟的主要特徵,被馬克思是:1)對財產的所有權,2)動機利潤收入,3)私有製的國家生產,4)主權的消費者,5)經濟自由,個人6)社會分歧,7 )價格機制(娜和史迪威2011)。現在市場經濟的現實已經表明,在扭曲的市場平台中可以實現均衡,在這種平台中,供給包括奴隸生產下的商品或其他各種形式的勞動力(Torre, 2014)。


Any research on rising capitalism, regarding its evolution and origins, ends up necessarily presupposing a specific conception related to capital. Capitalism or capitalist economy can be referred to as a system of governance indirectly for the relationships of economy (Torre, 2014). In order to understand capitalism as per this perception, it is important for transcending the borders of standard analysis of neoclassicals economics, while merely moving beyond the pure market platforms of economics. This involves the inclusion of authorities and institutions of politics based economy (Argyrous and Stilwell 2011). There are fewer reasons possible to define how there must be a simplification in the works performed by system of governance, and several differentiated researchers have significantly contributed to this definition. One economist was Karl Marx, who significantly contributed by providing excellent insight regarding how capitalist economy initiates coordination of actions delivered by a large population, without consciously guiding the quasi- independent actors of economy (Dowd, 2004).

This is known to be equilibrating demand and supply by the mechanism of price. With key focus on the perceptions of Karl Marx on capitalist economy, this essay will be identifying the key features of capitalist economy, while comparing these views with that of neoclassical economics.There is no scope of classical capitalist economy in the economic system of the current era. The non- interference of State government, perfect competition and free market in the activity of economy are not in existence. The key characteristics of capitalist economy, as identified by Marx are: 1) Right for ownership of property, 2) Motive for profit- earning, 3) Private ownership for the states of production, 4) Sovereignty of consumer, 5) Freedom of economy, 6) Socially divided individuals, and 7) Mechanism of price (Argyrous and Stilwell 2011).The realities across market economies have shown now, and then that there can be achievement of equilibrium in distorted market platforms, in which the supplies are inclusive of goods under the production of slaves or other varying forms to force labour (Torre, 2014).
