

今天为大家整理一篇优秀的essay范文-代写价格:交际中的言语行为。本文讲述的是言语行为可以看作是交际中的功能单位。它是说话者在说出一个特定单词后所采取的行动。在这种情况下,在英语中有两种指令。他们是直接和警察版本。人们总是试图保持礼貌,这是为了保持他们在这种情况下的整体亲和力。这是基于一个情境的幸福条件。在许多情况下,说话人所说的话和说话人的意图是不一样的。他们被发现会根据事件的社会背景而变化。在这个分析中观察到许多隐藏的模式。说话者的意图可能是讽刺的,或者他们可能用他们的话语隐藏真实的意图(Muller, 2000)。有些人使用这些词是出于谨慎或外交辞令,因此从来没有真正表达过他们在对话中的真实感受。他们对周围的人表演了一场演讲。如需要完整内容的代写价格范文资料,请联系我们的客服。




演讲的代表性被认为是向另一个人告知事实的行为。当人们开始在谈话要点上达成一致时,这一点就不言而喻了。在commisive speech conditions中是指讲话者想要致力于某事。他们本质上陈述了他们未来的行动。它是承担某项任务的承诺。表达性言语条件是表达说话人的情感。他们可以表达特定情境下的情感。这可能是一种表达感激或感谢他人某方面的行为。语言条件的声明方面详细地解释或透露了个人声明的内容。代写价格这可能类似于法官宣布或作出特定判决。言语行为策略是建立在一个人的年龄、社会地位、社会距离和文化基础上的策略。它不局限于任何一个变量。指示性方面、代表性方面、表达性语言条件都是关于一个问题的故事或意识形态。这就是使用这种策略来分析语言的原因。




A speech act can be considered to be a functional unit in communication. It is the actions that is undertaken by the speaker after uttering a specific word. In this context, within the English language there are two kinds of directive. They are direct and police version. People invariable try to be polite and this to maintain their overall amiability of the situation. This is based on the felicity conditions of a situation. In many situations the actual words spoken by the speaker and the intention intended by the speaker are not the same. 代写价格They are found to vary based on the social context of the events. There are many hidden modalities that have been observed in this analysis. Speakers’ intent may be sarcastic or they may hide what the true intentions are with their words (Müller, 2000). Some people use the words guardedly or diplomatically and hence never really express what they truly feel in a conversation. They essentially put on a speech act to the people around them.


Directive aspect of speech is intended by one speaker to the other in order to make the other person halt a particular action they have been doing. The notion of the person speaking is to make the other person stop their action and heed to their words. It has been found that each cultural interpretation of an event is based on the social appropriateness. People tend to focus on any one aspect of their speech in order to ensure that they are polite.代写价格 Performances which are under this context meet the primary requirements of the felicity conditions. It was found that in this context the individuals with opposing views tended to develop directive speech patterns.