代写留学生论文 人力资源



It is being noticed that sufficient time and thought-process is not being spent on the all important task of employee recruitment. This aspect has faced a lot of criticism as Hammond (2005) says, the really scary news is that the gulf between capabilities and job requirements appears to be widening.’’. In most scenarios, it is observed that when the human resource department is assigned the task of hiring employees meeting specific department requirements, the area of expertise of the recruitment officer is completely different from the individual that needs to be hired. As a result, it is difficult to ascertain the capability and knowledge level of the candidate. Wrongful hiring can cause serious problems and contradictions later on. To ensure that the individuals being hired meet the exact job requirements, it is important to first be acquainted and have sufficient knowledge on that department.

A crucial aspect of HR department is decision-making which needs to be completely mature and according to modern needs. An objective and unbiased approach that is focused on the general well-being of the organization rather than reflective of personal opinion. This helps in profitable return on investment in human capital. Thorough information of the candidate’s background needs to be taken into view. Most often, the hiring process is not given the time and analytical approach that it deserves. Personality, skill, knowledge and other factors should all be taken into consideration when choosing a candidate. The hiring process should not be carried out with just the objective of filling out empty positions. A systematic approach needs to be implemented that helps evaluate candidates and their aptitude for the job.


