代写留学生论文 物质文化和生活理念



II – Introduction to Domestic Material Culture

From material culture stems the concept of material culture and the domestic.

In the context of social studies, material culture is that part of culture that is tangible. Objects such as buildings, mosques, roads, airplanes, and everything that we can touch form a part of the material culture. Not only do large objects like buildings come under this but also smaller ones like spoons, chairs, etc. Hence anything made by man is a part of the material culture. This goes against the immaterial culture which is the other part of culture. Immaterial culture includes the inanimate objects like beliefs, religions, norms, mores, etc. Hence we find that studying these two aspects of cultures gives us an insight into the workings of the culture and its various constituents.

Studying the material and immaterial culture is important, as it enables us to gain an insight into cultures that have long been gone. We cannot recreate the whole culture and experience it firsthand. We can only gain an insight into the culture through what it leaves behind.

Domestic material culture forms an important part of the material culture as it is mainly concerned with the basic unit of the culture that is the family. It pertains to the various objects found in the home such as a spoon, a dish, a car, a television etc.






